El Gobierno, ERC and labor reform: the rupture that will not break anything

  • The shock between PSOE and Esquerra seems to affect the painting of its alliance and, on the contrary, both of them have gained important party credentials

The descendants between the Gobierno and the ERC are being executed as if they were victims of animals sacrificed in Delphi with the end of distraction that will save the future, es decir, cómo afectará el choque en sí a la gobernabilidad tanto de España como de Catalunya. But if it is clear that PSOE and ERC are much different from one another, then they are also synchronized in order to be able to sin. Verbigracia, coinciden in escoger donde and cuando shock with the objective of making much ruido, which satisfies the electorado most montaraz, sabiendo que, en el fondo, la ruptura nada rompe.

Yes, the ERC ‘no’ to labor reform open invoice to the entente. First of all, because of the great importance that it has (that it has), because of the fact that the derogation from the text of the PP is an electoral signal (that it is) and because much that the three forces in question are self-proclaimed, the labor reform is situa un peldaño por debajo de lo realmente mollar. For example the Presupuestos Generales del Estado (PGE), alpha y omega de la legislatura.

European stability

And it is, in an internationally convoluted context, the European Unionhacedora de los fondos Next Generation, demand stability. And a labor reform (proclaimed by Europe) of a Gobierno self-proclaimed Izquierdas, pacted with the patron and succession adalante with the support of Ciudadanos complum with all the requisites. To the minimum, the more than a pact with the Catalan independence activists and the Izquierda aberzale.

Internally, 10 days from the elections of Castile and Leon, which also acted as material for augments that escurate the future, a pact of Sanchez with the nationalism vasco and independence ‘galeusca’ hubiera served as powder for the attacks of the derecha. Sanchez is in the center so much for this as voluntarily to run in the opposite direction to the parties of the ‘anti-Spain’.

The fracture that occurs and appears inevitable during the course of the dialogue month, but in the postmasters of the legislature

A panic-stricken Sanchez has overcame the campaign of 13 February, not only the dialogue and negotiation process of the Catalan conflict, including, the reunion of a statutory and constitutional body such as the Bilateral Commission.

The ERC has ‘no’ the serve to align the pressure on ‘collaborationism’ that suffers from the Junts entourage. Además, el pírrico veto (la reforma ha salido adelante) les permite, creen los republicanos, adelantar a PSOE y Unidas Podemos, con quien mantiene electoral front, for the sake of it. The Squadrons of Esquerra were denounced in the denunciation of a reform pacted with the patron in the uncertainty of a despatch and without power, lie, be met in the Congress is ‘political politics’. A daredevil has joined a formation that has begun at the height of 15-M with the path of regenerating Spanish politics. For the story that the labor reform of Yolanda Diaz salió adelante gracias a Inés Arrimadas.

The historical memory

Through the castellanoleones elections, there will be another melon that separates from the ERC’s PSOE, the story of historical memory cuyo primer ’round’, en otoño, vio saltar chispas que no affectonon a la coetánea negotiation de la ley del audiovisual y de los PGE.

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The bottom line is that these refurbishments are applied to the painting of the entente. Another song is the dialogue month for the Catalan conflict that affects the Pact’s communities. Tal y as esperaban los republicanos -ingenuos no son- el ardor dialogador de Pedro Sánchez se diluye al son de las electoral sinas. Ora Castilla y León, ora, quizá, Andalucía. Mientras, las semanas de este 2022 van pasando. A 2022 that the Republicans, afirman, ‘pagaron’ by adelantado with the support of the PGE.

The indictment of ‘in crescendo’ in the ERC, which considers that the socialist must take an electoral tactical step to address in a strategic way the “big problem & rdquor ;, define, that end the conflict with Catalonia. The president of Gobierno, for his part, is at the center of the duel to return to Moncloa. Y Dialogue with Catalonia and Electoral Campaigns in Spain son como water and acid.


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