Deceased baby: “Would Louana still be there if the ambulance had arrived earlier?”

An 8-month-old baby died this week in Montreal after being taken to hospital by the police officers who had cared for him because of the time-consuming wait for the ambulance.

Louana’s parents, residing in Shawinigan, describe her as a laughing child despite her numerous health problems.

“She had neurological problems and hydrocephalus, explained her mother, she had four brain operations. And the day before she died, we were told she had cerebral palsy.”

On Tuesday, Louana was driven to Montreal for a magnetic resonance imaging exam.

She started having difficulty breathing the next day, before returning to Shawinigan. And the ambulance was delayed.

“When I called 911, her eyes had started turning upside down and she started having a fever instantly,” the 28-year-old mother painfully recalled.

“I yelled at them that she wasn’t breathing. It was one of the police who made the decision to take him to the hospital. [sans attendre l’ambulance]“, she added.

“Would Louana still be there if the ambulance had arrived earlier? Would access to ambulance equipment have made the difference?” parents have been wondering since Wednesday.

“A baby having trouble breathing, you can’t put that [priorité trois]Lamented Louana’s father.

“In my head, it’s insane, it has to be a priority. The goal is not to hold it against anyone, but if it is a fault in the system and there is something to be done, we are sure that we will do everything to improve it, so that it never happens again,” he said.

A coroner will try to understand what really happened and determine if there were enough emergency medical responders at Urgences-santé.

“To have answers. That doesn’t happen anymore. Because no one deserves to go through this,” explained the mother, reassured by the investigation.

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