Coparmex urges the Government to rebuild “national unity” to overcome Mexico’s challenges

At the middle of the six-year term governed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador -on December 1-, Mexico faces inequitable economic growth, an environment of polarization and a climate of uncertainty among investors, said the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex).

“It must be recognized that the current government, which reaches the middle of the six-year term on December 1, has tried to maintain financial stability and the debt margins have been rational. The cost of economic rigidity and orthodoxy, as well as the lack of support for individuals and micro-enterprises has been high: 5.5 million Mexicans who made up the middle class, today are in poverty, “he warned.

José Medina Mora, president of the Coparmex he spoke out for rebuilding “national unity” to overcome the economic, political and social challenges of the country.

“The economy and politics must be harmoniously related; Unfortunately, what we have today are tensions and a polarized society ”, reproached the leader of the country’s bosses.

He exemplified: “If in a home the children are fighting among themselves, and communication with and between the parents is broken, that family will hardly get ahead.”

Therefore, the business sector raised its hand to conceive the company and entrepreneurship as a vehicle for change, an engine, a community of people who generate value for all.

In his weekly document the Coparmex signal, the business leader spoke out for the freedom to undertake, invest, compete and exchange goods and services within a legal and ethical framework.

He applauded that throughout the first three years of the government, they have tried to maintain financial stability and debt margins, however, growth has not been fully fair, equitable or even.

Of the 128 million inhabitants of the country, 55 million still live in poverty. While the GDP of Nuevo León is compared to that of complete countries such as Hungary, Uruguay or Poland, we continue to have municipalities like some in Guerrero where the Human Development Index is similar to that of an African country like Guinea.

For this reason, Coparmex put on the table for discussion a new model of inclusive development, which aims to reconcile sustainable economic growth (which responds to the new generations), with a democratic state of law that encourages even development.

“This proposal is a starting point to establish basic agreements that give Mexico viability and future. We are working so that in 2022 the model is strengthened; we are going to analyze each one of these 20 premises and we are going to translate them into actions ”, he pointed out.


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