Climate change, challenge for fish and aquaculture

Among the most challenging challenges for the fish and the oceans are the climatic climate. In Mexico there is a robust legal mark on this matter, without embarrassment, it is being disregarded and it is necessary to go to local level to cooperate with its proposal as to how to act on the impacts that a phenomenon might have on us. adequate adaptation in its manejo.

In addition, the high vulnerability of the country to the effects of the climate change has had a huge impact on the sector, considered as a source of employment and the economic engine of the country. The Mexican Confederation of Pesqueras and Acuícolas Cooperatives (CONMECOOP) indicates that fishing in our country represents culture, food and livelihoods for the environment of 300,000 families that depend on this direct activity, and about 2 million more than of indirect form.

Agreed with the Organization of the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO), Mexico occupies the 13th place in world fish production, producing various species of high commercial value such as camaroon, red langoustine, abulon, almeja generosa pulp, el atún y la sardina, entre otros.

Currently, the northeastern part of the country is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and the majority of the country’s aquaculture activity is taking place. Without embargo, in the plaza corto scenarios (2050) the Gulf region of Mexico and the Yucatan will be affected by its fish production due to the effects of the climate change climate.

Accordance with the Mexican Climate Change Analysis: Recommendations of public policy for the adaptation and resilience of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, in which 47 institutions will participate, by 2050 in the less favorable scenario, the industrial fishery and mariculture presents decreases in its productivity, decreasing in temperature.

Formally, climatic change scenarios in 2050, indicating that current industrial fishing sites will increase by less than 1 ° C, will lead to decreases in primary productivity. For the year 2100, the period in primary productivity will be more pronounced, confirms Juan Manuel Calderón, Director of Public Policy for the Defense of the Medium Ambient Defense (EDF) of Mexico and Leonardo Vázquez, Biologist, Member of the Society Acuaculture and vocation of the technical group responsible for the elaboration of Estudio Cambio Climático en México.

The study also reveals that in Mexico, more than 80% of the 25 most important fisheries can be seriously affected in the median place by the climatic cambio and that around 13,000 cohorts require attention to be able to adapt to the effects of the disease. here the public policies for adaptation are prioritized in the short space.

“The climatic change provokes changes in the distribution and abundance of fish and invertebrate populations that support fisheries, these are other problems such as sobriety and conflicts due to the inaccessible access and shortening of the resources of Manuel Calder” .

In addition to this, the main oceanographic alterations deriving from the climatic change that are predicted for the country, their changes in sea temperature, increase in frequency and intensity of hurricanes and other climatological phenomena, sea level elevation, acid reduction of oxygen concentration.

From EDF llaman to work to minimize or slow down the effects of climate change in fish as with minor productivity, overweight species, species loss, species in the distribution of species, which obliges fishermen to kill more recursions, and migration of species to fresh waters, climatic phenomena that do not allow to carry out the works of the sector and changes or alterations during fishing seasons.

We will be launching a series of public policy recommendations for the adaptation of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, including three top recommendations: priorities, strategies and a local scale, maintaining a gender approach to guarantee the participation of people pesquero between the start of the elaboration of a National Program of Fisheries and Climate Change, with solid mechanisms of governance and participatory participation; the creation of a Risk Atlas for the fishing industry that incorporates ambient pressures and the adaptive capacity of communities and, in parallel, contingency plans to minimize economic and social impacts, ”commented biologist Leonardo Vázquez.

Among the recommendations is aggregation: increase the investment in the generation of knowledge that allows to efficiently and guide maneuvering strategies, as well as to invest in the technical training of specialists in climatic change; create direct governing communication spaces and governing communities to jointly promote the networks and encourage intersecretary and multisectoral coordination, and the construction of coalitions that ensure transversal coordination between governing and cross-sectoral relations fish and aquaculture.

If Mexico has a great potential, it is fundamental to promote the professionalization of activity, the multisectoral association and the strategic planning with an ecosystem vision.

El Cambud Climático en México: Recommendations of public policy for the adaptation and resilience of the fish and aquaculture sector, elaborated by Impacto Collectivo by Pesca and Acuacultura Mexicanas, EDF de México and other important actors the fisheries and the coastal communities, and propose a series of recommendations of public policy directed to address the ways in which this challenge, as well as to convert it into a reference tool for decision-makers in the implementation and implementation of a single agenda fisheries and aquaculture are sustainable and resilient to the climate crisis in Mexico, point out the vocabulary.

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