Clandestine LP gas intakes to Pemex pipelines grow 23%

Puebla is the entity with the most discoveries of clandestine gas intakes in the entire country, and even registers an increase of 9% compared to 2020, according to information from Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

Between January and July 2020, federal authorities found 845 clandestine LP gas intakes in Puebla, while in the same period this year there were 921, an increase of 9 percent.

In both 2020 and 2021, Puebla ranks as the state with the highest number of finds of taps to steal LP gas.

For this year, after the Puebla entity, Edomex follows with 181 clandestine intakes discovered and closed; Tlaxcala with 160; Querétaro with 35; Hidalgo with 32; Veracruz with 16; Chiapas with seven and Tabasco with three.

According to the report of the Pemex Transparency Unit on the Joint Plan of Attention to Strategic Installations and deployment in its national pipeline network, in general, for the first seven months of 2021 in the country there have been 1,355 clandestine intakes of LP gas, an increase of 23% in comparison with the 1,103 that were recorded in the same period but in 2020.

Complaints on the rise

Last year Pemex filed a total of 126 complaints with the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) for the crime of hydrocarbon theft in its form of clandestine taking exclusively of LP gas, while between January and July of this year it already exceeded that figure , with 178.

In 2020, of the 126 complaints, 110 (87.3%) were in Puebla. For the first seven months of this 2021, of the 178, 80% (143) have also been in Puebla. In other words, in both years, said entity has been at the forefront in the field.

It should be noted that, except for February and September 2020, Pemex filed complaints during the months of that year for clandestine intakes found in Puebla.

For what corresponds to the period between January and July of this year, the Pemex report specified that in February, April and May 51, 91 and one complaint were filed, respectively in Puebla.

Yesterday, an explosion that occurred due to a gas leak in a Pemex pipeline in the municipality of San Pablo Xochimehuacan, Puebla, left one person dead and 15 injured.

(With editorial information)

[email protected]

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