CFE pensions exceed investment projects in amount

The pensions that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) will pay to its former workers in 2022 will amount to 48,831 million pesos, this is an annual increase of 3.57% compared to what was exercised in 2021.

To put it in perspective, the expenditure of CFE pensions is greater than the expenditure allocated to investment projects of the State productive company, which is 47,573 million pesos, according to the Federation Expenditure Budget 2022, prepared by the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit.

In the context of the discussion of the electrical reform, which is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, the CFE is expected to produce 54% of the country’s energy, for which it will need a greater physical investment to generate the production it requires. the electricity market.

“If we don’t have economic investment, especially in electricity, there will be no growth. The future of future generations is at risk. Continuing to put resources into the issue of pensions may have electoral returns, but it does not help the country,” said Enrique Díaz-Infante Chapa, director of the Financial Sector and Social Security program at the Espinosa Yglesias Study Center (CEEY), in an interview.

Of the 47,573 million pesos of investment, only 10,580 million pesos are allocated to economic electricity infrastructure projects in 2022. This represented a drop of 25.8% compared to what was approved in the PEF 2021.

The purpose of economic infrastructure is the production and generation of wealth, in addition to being a necessary element in all stages of economic development, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Unequal pensions and regime

According to estimates from the Center for Economic and Budgetary Research, a former CFE worker represents an annual expense of 803,115 pesos; while a pensioned worker from the IMSS represents an annual expense of 80,973 pesos.

In 2020, the director of the CFE, Manuel Bartlett, reduced both the number of years of service and the minimum retirement age to 25 and 55 years, respectively. Previously a commission worker could retire after 65 years or 30 years of service, in the case of women 25 years of service or 60 years of age.

This decision reversed the 2016-2018 collective contract, which was part of the pension agreements to reduce the CFE’s labor liabilities.

The resources

  • 47,573 million pesos will be allocated to investment projects in 2022.
  • 3.57 percent higher will be spending on pensions this year.
  • 55 years is the minimum retirement age at the CFE.

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