Catalonia declares the pre-alert for drought in the Ter-Llobregat

  • The reserves in the reservoirs in the area are currently at 56% of their capacity

  • The declaration does not imply, for now, that restrictions on urban water consumption will be adopted

With one of the driest winters in recent times still under way, a meager forecast of rain and melting, and water reserves in the reservoirs that are dwindling, the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) declared on Monday the pre-alert in the system formed by the Ter and Llobregat riverswhere the swamps are currently in the 56% of its capacity. In the specific area of ​​the Fluvià and Muga rivers, the state of alert is maintained, which affects the 22 municipalities of the Alt Empordà. for weeks now desalination plants in the area have increased their production rate (up to 85%) to slow down the decline in reserves.

This pre-alert scenario, the ACA has reported, does not entail any type of restriction at the moment but it increases the use of non-conventional resources, that is, recycled water or the already mentioned desalination plants, as well as the preparation with local entities and water supply entities of emergency plans.

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Since the beginning of February, when the reserves of the Llobregat and Ter reservoirs were below 60%, measures began to be automatically activated with the aim of reduce the rate of decline of reservoirsincreasing the production of desalination plants, which before reaching the pre-alert threshold were operating at just over 30%.

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