Catalan schools will make immersion more flexible according to the neighborhood or municipality

  • Educació will use the new curricula to comply with the TSJC’s decision on 25% of the Spanish language

The Department of Education is currently finalizing the new curricula for infants, primary, ESO, baccalaureate and intermediate vocational training In application of the new Education Act, the Lomloe or ‘Celaa wet’ for him course 2022-2023. Those curricula, which will be reflected in three decreesin addition to the inclusion of the new model of teaching and evaluation by competences, can be a tool of the government to respond to the ruling of the Supreme Court of Catalonia (TSJC) which obliges all educational centers in Catalonia to 25% of subjects in Spanish.

50% of these curricula are marked by the Ministry of Education, while the remaining 50% correspond to autonomy. In the case of Catalonia, and specifically in the basic education decision, which includes primary, ESO and intermediate vocational trainingEducació intends to use this 50% to provide greater management autonomy for the centers so that they can develop their project. This is what the Secretary for Educational Transformation of the ‘conselleria’ told them, Núria Mora, to center directors at a recent meeting. “In our 50%, we will give maximum weight to the autonomy of centers so that they decide how to respond to the learning needs of their students,” he told them.

Similarly, and in line with this philosophy of more managerial autonomy, the basic education decision will consider the centers a 20% of teaching hoursit was 5 or 6 hours a weekto comply with the details of the students according to the area or environment or curricular problems of the same, as set out in the same meeting Ramon Grau, Deputy Director-General of Curriculum Organization. That 20% of the time can be the way for schools to increase the hours of Spanish or Catalan, for example.

A percentage of self-management hours

Specifically, the draft decision to which EL PERIÓDICO had access, says that “the centers will have a percentage of the weekly schedule which will drive them autonomously. These hours can be devoted to structuring a globalizing project of a transversal nature or focusing on solving those curricular problems that the center has raised from its environment.

Or as Grau put it more clearly: “If a center detects shortcomings due to its socio-cultural environment, for example in the language areayou can spend those hours to improve yourself linguistic project. If the center thinks the timetable gives a few hours depending on the subject, it can take these five hours and dedicate it to what it considers convenient. ”

And here the fulfillment of the sentence of the TSJC would fit. The centers will, on the one hand, have a generic framework schedule, with fixed hours per subject. And on the other hand, based on their autonomy and backed by the decree, they will have 5 hours a week that they can dedicate to teaching more Catalan or more Spanish or other subjects they are considering will help them develop the skills of the to strengthen students. This draft has already been sent to the addresses of the centers that can make improvements before the Government approves it.

Filed the immersion charges

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And while, in the courts, the High Prosecutor’s Office of Catalonia has lodged the complaint against the ‘president’, Pere Aragonèsand the ‘seller’ of Education, Josep Gonzàlez-Cambrayfor the announcement that they language immersion model in schools, understanding that they did not “no action” to disobey to justice.

In its file decision, the prosecutor’s office maintains that, apart from the public statements, there is no evidence that the government “issued an order or specific order effectively at the administrative level aimed at contempt” of the TSJC decision. In addition, for the public ministry, only those who are called upon to fulfill the mandate of the TSJC can commit a crime, that is, “the respective directors of the centers in which the issue may arise,” adds the decree of filing of the complaints, presented by the Assembly for a Bilingual School (AEB) and the trade union ultra Clean Hands.

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