Case Todorov, discusses more about accusations

The number of Kiril Todorov wanted to be able to float between the high-altitude mandates of Mexico, which is seen as a mana deja vu in the Mexican sport ahead of the international teams. On this occasion, the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who made “what is more important” about Todorov and his step on the Mexican Federation of Nations (FMN)year of years of quejas in its contra y a process that is reactivated in March of this year.

Todorov was named president of the FMN on March 27, 2009 and more than 10 years ago in the cargo loaded to receive more than 300 million pesos, even if the golfer received it in September 2021, when Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) dio a conocer que staba vinculado a ein process por delit de peculado tras detéts devisos de millionaire cantidades de dinero, las cueles fueron trasladadas desde elorganiso deportivo hacia sus personal zuentas.

The public announcements regarding the irregularities in Todorov’s mandate in the FMN were made from 2017; Respectively, the UIF signaled that while living up to its promise, the Bulgarian government would not be able to abandon the country. In addition, in March 2021, the Association of the Nation of New Leon was invited by the International Federation of Nations (FINA) to intervene in Mexico to Todorov to commit irregularities on behalf of the FMN; together with this solicitation there is a card, also directed to FINA, which contains more than 3,000 companies for trainers, athletes and family fathers.

Since then, Todorov has been living his trial in liberty to deal with a felony, even though he had control of the cargo of his case, the order not to abandon the perimeter of the State and the City of Mexico and to be present at any time. la Unidad de Medidas Cautelares. También se fijo un plazo de ses meses para que se cierre la complementar investigatie y se determina si es o no responsible de delito que se le imputa.

With all this history going on, on the 17th of January of 2022, the FINA decision will meet with Kiril Todorov as President of the FMN and in his name a Reorganizing Commission to cut the cargo of water sports, in addition to convening elections to new Board of Directors.

“With immediate effect, the Commission Reorganizes to collect all the day-to-day operations of the FMN, carry out the debates and necessary reforms to the statute, organize and deliver a new election. This means that it is not known as the interim president of the FMN and all the directives and members must resign immediately. We will have complete and complete access to all the offices operated by the FMN, as well as access to all the archives (electronic or not) “, wrote Brent Nowicki, executive director of FINA, in the map sent to Todorov at the beginning of this year .

Todorov’s trial will begin in March, while the Nomination Committee of the Reorganization Committee has decided that the FINA can be resolved, but later, six months later, it will be able to be procrastinated.

Mientras llega ese plazo, las miradas de personas de los deportas deportes mexicanos mexoso, como Fernando Platas y Nelson Vargas, continúan sober la mala gestion de Todorov; however, there were various surprises that the proprietary Conade presided over by Ana Gabriela Guevara, the animal in its response to Todorov.

In a map sent 10 days after the FINA discussed it, Conade edited the main reason for the controversy surrounding Todorov as president of the FMN: update the information related to the situation of the Mexican Federation of National AC ”. The document was signed by Adolfo Fierro, Deputy Director of the Department of CONADE.

The counter-positions between the FINA and CONADE dejan to Todorov in a limbo front to his position in the FMN, although the sleeves of his historical investigations are not boring. It is embarrassing, in advance of the implementation of the Tokyo Olympic Games in the past, the athletes will be abandoned on the part of the FMN, reflecting the chaos that is alive from its maximum conductor.


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