CADDYSHACK LIVE? Laughs aplenty during the David Feherty Classic

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You’ve never seen former Senators captain Daniel Alfredsson quite like this before.

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There he was at Gatineau’s Royal Ottawa Golf Club on Monday afternoon, wearing a jock outside of his pants, a pair of clown-sized blue plastic glasses over his eyes and a Pabst Blue Ribbon baseball cap turned inside out on top of his head.

Ten feet away, trick shot artist Dan Boever was lined up in front of him, taking chip shots.

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Welcome to Caddyshack Live or Happy Gilmore Revisted, better known as the David Feherty Classic, where comedy and brilliant golf shots were the order of the day.

Following Boever’s opening act—including hitting perfect drives from tees set up everywhere from his toes to his eyes—Alfredsson was joined by former NFL stars Ben Roethlisberger and Emmitt Smith, along with PGA touring pro Pat Perez for a nine hole Skins Game.

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All along, Boever and Feherty, the former touring pro turned golf commentator turned comedian/social commentator provided a steady stream of laughs.

All of it was for a great cause, with $25,000 going to both Ronald McDonald House and Alfredsson’s charity of choice, the Royal Ottawa Hospital.

It was as light-hearted as golf can be, with the athletes playing along themselves as the light rain turned to sunshine as the play wrapped up into the evening for the crowd of about 1,000.

A small sampling of the on-course Feherty shtick:

— Addressing Perez on the third tee: “Did somebody break into your car and leave you those shoes?”

— After Perez put his can of beer on the green before lining up a putt, Feherty quipped, “it’s perfectly legal to mark your ball with a beer can. Everything goes these days.”

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— During the course of play, an errant Smith shot hit a volunteer in the arm. She was fine and Feherty followed up in fine form. “Once during a Pro-Am in Europe, I hit nine people in eight holes.”

Of course, many Feherty jokes aren’t appropriate to be printed in a family newspaper, but most garnered healthy laughs from Monday’s audience.

The night finished off with a question and answer session with the foursome and a Feherty comedy routine.

When he was asked about his favorite female golfers of all time, he opined about the state of the world.

“I like the characters, but it’s harder and harder to be a character without your ass getting cancelled.”

As for the golf show, it was effectively Perez against the field. Perez, who has made $30 million on the tour and will compete in this week’s Canadian Open, fashioned a tidy four under, showcasing brilliance in all areas of the game from bombing drives to perfect iron shots to clutch putts.

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His competitors had their moments, too. When Alfredsson sank a chip shot, the crowd broke into a spontaneous chant of “Alfie, Alfie.” One fan followed that up with a “Go Sens Go” chant. For those wondering, Alfredsson once again addressed the potential of perhaps returning to a management position during the Q and A session.

“I would be interested in joining under the right circumstances,” he said. “They have a young core, with a lot of potential. I hope we’ll see a lot of great hockey in the years to come.”

The crowd came for Roethlisberger and Smith, too, with Steelers jerseys and baseball caps on display.

“I’m crying my eyes out seeing Roethlisberger,” said Doug Van Dusen, proudly dressed in his Steelers gear.

For Van Dusen, dealing with oesophagus cancer and headed towards a second round of chemotherapy, the fun atmosphere was welcome. He was accompanied by nephew Jamie Van Dusen and good friend Brian Samuel, also Steelers die-hards. They came with helmets and Steelers cheer towels.

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Roethlisberger took notice of the Steelers fans, too, telling them to move just in case he might hit them with an errant drive.

“Hey, you Steelers guys, I don’t want to hit you,” he said.

Spotting a fan wearing a Baltimore Ravens jersey, Roethlisberger quipped, “Yeah, Ravens guy, you can stay there….actually, we beat you guys enough.”

That effectively summed up the mood of the day, all the jokes and golf wrapped up in the bigger point of raising cash for charity.

For those keeping score, Perez did win the Skins Game, punctuating his spirited performance with a brilliant birdie on the final hole.

The jokes went on into the night as Feherty took over the stage with his unique brogue and brand of humour.

On the way out, a few fans were no doubt tempted to purchase a talking Feherty head cover.

The lines that come complete with the puppet included a few classics.
— “I have a driver up my ass and I’m smiling.”
— “If that ball were wrapped in bacon, even Lassie couldn’t find it.”
— “Is that the swing you’re going to use?”

Ultimately, if you can’t laugh at yourself and others on the golf course, this show probably isn’t for you.

[email protected]

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