Boris Izaguirre reveals the reason why he came to Spain 30 years ago: “Nothing to do with the Martian Chronicles”

Like every Wednesday Mary Married opened last night ‘The three doors’ of TVE. The journalist spoke at yesterday’s installment with Nieves Álvarez, Ona Carbonell, María Peláe, Loles León and Boris Izaguirre, who reviewed his 30-year career on Spanish television. In addition to remembering her childhood in Venezuela, she spoke about the project that brought her to Spain on March 21, 1992.

At one point in the interview, Casado pointed out that Boris He left his native country for a job “that had nothing to do” with ‘The Martian Chronicles’, Xavier Sardà’s late night on Telecinco that later catapulted him to fame. “I came to write a television series that they wanted to adapt from a Galician costumbrista novel: La casa de la parra”, confirmed the guest.

Three months after her arrival she met Rubén, whom she would later marry: “It is the beauty of our history, we crossed an ocean to meet”.

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“For me it has been the fundamental of my love story. I left behind a country, a life, a past and a family. I found love and it seems like a heroic gesture to me, it’s what Quixote couldn’t achieve”, commented the presenter.

Boris also spoke about the popularity he achieved after his signing for ‘The Martian Chronicles’. “Suddenly I became a very famous person”, he pointed. Although it was initially “a shock”, her partner had already “prepared” her for it: “She invited me to eat at a restaurant. As soon as I sat down she told me that I wanted to be famous”. “He told me that he didn’t want that and that I should never include him in the photo. I think I have respected him”he claimed.

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