Big bottles, PERTE and digitization: ‘Show me the money’

Money makes the world go round it could be the soundtrack of the third day of the Health Observatory. The ‘popes’ of health technology say it loud and clear: “We need more money” to modernize the health system, said the president of Medtronic, María Vila.

All have moved in the same line and have called to arms. Always under the watchful eye (and the baton) of the general secretary of Fenin, Margaret Alfonsel. This battle was of the companies, yours will arrive this Thursday with the conclusions of the II Symposium of the Health Observatory.

They have gone without hot packs. As we like, although for now the call has been in vain. They all hoped to find out when the Health PERTE was going to be launched, but the Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, has not said a word. Luckily, at least have they been able to make a request whisper during the huddle after.

Maybe it was to make up for his lack of speech. Much talk about the pharmaceutical industry, but you forgot to mention healthcare technology. Luckily when he finished he realized and was able to apologize to the attendees, with whom he had had several video calls during the pandemic to try to unify business aid.

It has been an intense day. “Digitization, data, interoperability …”, ‘words’ that are difficult for lay people to understand. And more applied to health. Ask Rafa Navarro, who had to do an accelerated hospital interoperability course. But, hey, he has done the job and almost cuts his ear.

The new star

We have also discovered a political star. Carme Artigas has put the finger in the eye of the autonomous communities. If the RadarCovid app has not worked, it has been because they have not launched it, he said. More wood! And that she always says is in the management of the public and not in the political arena. As he jumps into the ring, let Casado get ready!

The case, which Artigas says that if it had been implemented well We could have saved a lot of problems with the young people who have left the bottle. (The drinking part is our interpretation, for the record).

By the way, that the general director of IDIS, Marta Villanueva, you have become a fan of Artigas, if you weren’t already. In fact, he has even counted the times (five) that the Secretary of State has recited the expression “public-private collaboration”. A term that we had not paid much attention to. Today it was impossible not to pay attention to it.

By the way, things must go well. Networking continues its course, because from time to time you see an improvised mini meeting and exchange of mobiles. We remind you that giving business cards in times of Covid is not advisable. In fact, it is rumored that our general director, Mamen Vázquez, has already lost her voice from repeating it so much.

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