Best Crypto Savings Accounts For Earning Interest • Benzinga

Want to jump straight to the answer? BlockFi is our favorite crypto savings account to earn over 8% annual interest on your crypto!

Thanks to the efficiencies of blockchain technology and lending markets, cryptocurrency users are able to earn high interest rates on their digital assets. And, thanks to platforms like BlockFi, Celsius and, it’s easier than ever to earn passive income from your cryptocurrencies. Even if you’re a risk-averse investor, you can earn high yields on stablecoins: digital assets pegged to the U.S dollar.

A cryptocurrency savings account gives you access to the cryptocurrency market while allowing you to earn much higher interest rates than a bank account. However, there may be more risks involved in earning interest on crypto than earning interest from a bank, depending on the digital asset you provide. If you’re interested in long-term cryptocurrency investing, a crypto savings account can help you accrue interest while keeping your coins safe.

Use our crash course on cryptocurrency savings accounts and account providers to get started and open your account.

How Crypto Savings Accounts Work

A cryptocurrency savings account works in a similar fashion to traditional savings accounts. When you deposit money into a traditional savings account, you give the bank permission to loan out the money in your account to 3rd parties. In exchange, the bank provides you with a set percentage of interest each year.

When you open a cryptocurrency savings account, you invest your funds into a digital currency like Bitcoin, Ethereum or stablecoins. The savings account provider will then loan out your cryptocurrency to borrowers, providing you with a percentage of interest in exchange. If you don’t want to be exposed to cryptocurrency price movements, then you can also choose to earn interest on stablecoins which are pegged to the value of the U.S dollar.

There are a few very important differences between traditional savings accounts and cryptocurrency savings accounts:

  • FDIC insurance: Major banks have insurance from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). This insurance guarantees that, even if your bank loans out the money you deposit into your account, your funds are protected. You won’t lose money when you put it into a traditional savings account because the FDIC backs your account.

Cryptocurrency savings accounts do not have FDIC insurance. As the cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, there is a chance that your investment will decrease in value and you will lose money. For this reason, you should think of cryptocurrency savings accounts as investment accounts instead of an alternative to savings accounts.

  • Fund access: In a traditional savings account, you’re free to withdraw your money at any time with no fees or restrictions. Cryptocurrency savings accounts may limit access to your coins for a set period of time after you deposit them into your account. They may also charge you a fee for withdrawing your funds before a select date. However, many platforms don’t have minimum lockup periods, allowing you to take out your investment at anytime.
  • Yield: The average traditional savings account has an annual interest rate of 0.1% to 0.6% annual percentage yield (APY). Cryptocurrency savings accounts have much higher APYs. For example, when you open a cryptocurrency savings account through BlockFi, you can earn up to 8.6% APY on your capital.
  • Risk: Lending out cryptocurrencies come with their own risks, and doing so is more risky than a traditional savings account. The majority of returns you’ll see will be due to price volatility of the digital asset you earn interest on. For example, you may earn 5% annual interest on Bitcoin, but Bitcoin’s price can fluctuate by over 10% any given day. So, most of the account’s value is determined by these price swings rather than the interest accrued. If you don’t believe that a digital asset will appreciate in value, you shouldn’t earn interest on it solely due to the APR. Instead, consider earning interest on a stablecoin.

How to Get Started with a Crypto Savings Account

Getting started with a cryptocurrency savings account begins with comparing account providers. Here are some of the factors you might want to consider when you select an account provider:

  • Safety: Be sure to research safety first when you compare cryptocurrency savings account providers. Because these accounts don’t have FDIC insurance, consider both the financial stability of the company and its cold storage solutions to keep your investment safer.
  • Supported coins: Cryptocurrency savings accounts support a select number of cryptocurrencies — no account provider will allow you to earn interest on every single coin on the market. If you already own cryptocurrency, be sure that you choose a provider that supports the coins you’re interested in.
  • Purchase availability: If you don’t already own cryptocurrency, you might want to choose an account provider that offers a savings account and market access. For example, Coinbase allows you to quickly purchase cryptocurrencies using a number of purchase methods, and it also providers savings account access.

Best Crypto Savings Accounts

Now that you understand the basics of how cryptocurrency savings accounts work and how they vary from traditional savings accounts, let’s take a look at a few of our favorite account providers.
