Automotive sector will maintain measured investments in 2022: Canacintra Puebla

Puebla, Pue. The automotive section and local auto parts will remain measured in new investments for 2022 and will wait until after the first quarter to see how the country’s economy is with respect to the behavior of the Covid-19 pandemic, to think about new projects.

Luis Espinosa Rueda, local president of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra), stated that companies need to be certain that the Volkswagen and Audi plants, installed in Puebla, have solved their shortage problems of other components for production in 2022.

He said that in 2021 there were constant technical stoppages of the two German assembly companies, also influenced by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic that in other countries it has limited productive activities, including the automotive sector.

He indicated that under this scenario, Puebla businessmen in the sector cannot lose sight of making an investment decision, since money is at stake that must be applied “with precision shots.”

Under this context, he reiterated, the ideal for its 95 partners –which generate more than 16,000 jobs– is to keep up with the production rate they have with Volkswagen of Mexico and the signature Audi, as well as its other customers of assembly plants that operate in other parts of the country.

He anticipated that if they do allocate capital, it will only be directed to the complementation of production with the supply of components that the two German assemblers require for their models that are assembled exclusively in Puebla.

“What requires restraint are market conditions, the same number of vehicles is still being placed by Volkswagen as at the beginning of last year, but we cannot generate overstocks,” he said.

Industrial park

Regarding new investments, Espinosa Rueda said that there are three autoparties who intend to specifically reach the park of suppliers of Audi and the Finsa II industrial complex in Nopalucan, although investment amounts were reserved.

He pointed out that feasibility options and management facilities are being explored to promote the creation of more jobs in the state, “but there is competition with other venues that have also had a development in their supply sector for the Automotive industry”.

Regarding other industries such as agroindustrial and textiles, which also export to the United States, they share the idea of ​​being measured to invest and only maintain their production levels, he said.

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