‘And Just Like That’, by Imma Sust

Cuando me dijeron que volvían las chicas de ‘Sex in the city’ me pusieron los pelos de punta. These ‘barbies’ geriatric that most of us count on, despite them dos bodrios de películas who will finish the series? Encima, the best of them, the big Samantha Jones, decision not to go for the bad relationships that you have with the other actresses. Vistos ya nueve capitulos, pienso que puedo rectificar en mayúsculas y aplaudir a lo grande esa vuelta. Se han reinventado a lo bestia. If you can define the series ‘And Just Like That’ with a single word, this series ‘diversity’. There are many who believe in politics, actresses and activists Cynthia Nixon, which interprets the character of Miranda Hobbes. Mujeres de 55 años que vuelven a salir al mundo y se encuentran con this paradigm shift. All relationships are open to those who think they are the opposite and all those who are ‘he’, while those who decide they are not. A divorce, a murdered martyr, a trans hya, more of a lgtb person, more of a racialized and a ‘queer’ person, who for miles wanted modernity and the ancient Samantha Jones.

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It’s important to focus on “More than one character & rdquor; lgtb + o racialized. Normally, ‘uno’ is used for fill with the quota, no dar pie a critique y salir del paso. Ese personaje negro o gay acostumbra a salir de vez en cuando, haciéndonos reír o llorar. This is not the case. This series is llena de gente moderna, in the broad sense of the word. The new Samantha is solid, Indian and absolutely fabulous. A lota mujer que se quedó con la antigua ‘Sex in the city’ igual mira la nueva serie con su marido al lado, 25 años más tarde, y le explota la cabeza. It is very possible. And a free pervola detail is important, which means the penal result. In the chapters that are shown, ya han aparecido dos penes. Approve the occasion to recommend another mythical feminist series from the years that responds to enter Disney Plus, ‘Las chicas de oro’, which mira tú por donne tenan misma edad que Carrie Bradshaw. Here it is when I explode the cave to me.


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