Alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, among addictions of minors

Although children and young people begin to consume tobacco and alcohol, most out of curiosity, we must not forget that they are invited by someone, usually by a friend or a relative, and while there are families with excessive consumption, the minors will also learn it , highlighted Carmen Fernández Cáceres, general director of the Youth Integration Centers.

During the webinar: “Myths and realities in the consumption of alcohol and tobacco in child and adolescent girls”, carried out by the Communication Council, the expert in the matter warned that the biggest problem faced within these centers of Attention is the consumption of alcohol, and tobacco, followed by marijuana.

However, he expressed that “even though we know that alcohol is the strongest problem in the country, people are not going to be treated, they do not demand attention for the consumption of alcohol and much less tobacco”, explaining that the patients who They arrive at the Youth Integration Centers, they arrive in the first instance for their relatives who notice drug use, mainly marijuana and cocaine.

Likewise, Fernández Cáceres stressed that according to figures from the organizations he heads, it was until 2021 that an increase in the demand for excessive alcohol consumption among girls, boys and adolescents was reflected, which means that they are drunk excessively as soon as they return to public spaces.

Meanwhile, it was said that the drug first tried by girls, boys and adolescents in Mexico is alcohol, with an average starting age of 12 and 13 years.

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