A Gaspé company invents a buoy that protects whales

A new ropeless buoy system could reduce whale entanglements, announced the Gaspé company OCEAN-CAM.

Trials will soon be carried out at sea, according to the company, which says it is concerned about the condition of the whales. With this new system, she hopes for a better cohabitation between mammals and fixed gear.

Data from Fisheries and Oceans Canada revealed that more than 3,000 marine mammals are trapped each year in bycatch. Nearly 80% of accidental catches are caused by wiring.

Eagerly awaited by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the solution could soon be presented at OCEAN-CAM. “[L’empêtrement des baleines], it is not a problem that is limited from coast to coast to Canada. It’s a global problem,” said company CEO Dave Cotton.

“The planet is still waiting for the right business solution. At OCEAN-CAM, we are proud to have a different device,” he added.

According to the company, the new system, called JakO, would offer a compatible solution for commercial fishing activities.

The presence of the buoys would not disturb the whales, since the buoys would be found at the bottom of the sea, very close to the traps.

“What we have developed is really a device that allows us to continue fishing, despite the regulations that say that when you are near a whale, you leave the area. We allow you to continue your activity in the right fishing spot, having developed a buoy, which is very close to the fishing gear, and which will be called by the vessel passing over it,” explained Mr Cotton.

The company was able to benefit from a grant of $500,000 from the federal government. It is also in the process of obtaining a worldwide patent, and commercialization is planned for 2023.


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