10 literature books in Spanish recommended for this Christmas


Ricardo Menéndez Salmon. Seix Barral. € 17.00

The Asturian author reassembles a dystopia in this short but intense novel that imagines humanity sunk in silence, since power has been taken by children and they pursue any manifestation of the word. A fable that alerts us to what our future can become.

‘Mrs Potter isn’t exactly Santa Claus’

Laura Fernandez. Random House Literature. €23.90

A city in which it is always winter, a mythical location of a no less mythical novel, an endless number of characters who intersect their destinies in a crazy phantasmagoria that is both naive and cruel. Laura Fernández’s new foray into her particular universe is her most ambitious bet.

‘The cousins’

Aurora Venturini. Tusquets. € 18

A new opportunity for this extraordinary novel with which its author, the Argentine Aurora Venturini, became known at the age of 85, winning a prize for a new novel focused on new authors and that today Latin American authors – such as Mariana Enriquez, who signs the prologue – they claim.

‘Odd names’

Alex Chico. Candaya. € 17

A book that contains searches in the style of ‘Wild detectives’ and with which Álex Chico pays tribute to Roberto Bolaño and the infra-realistic Mexican poets, as well as the eccentric Argentine author Néstor Sánchez. Chico explores the limits between reality and fiction with a literary device that mixes fiction, essay and memory.

‘The Year of the Buffalo’

Javier Pérez Andújar. Anagram. € 18.90

Winner of the Herralde Prize, Pérez Andújar’s extravagant novel takes place in an abyss to follow four artists without luck or ideals, who are in turn characters from a Finnish writer to whom other no less curious characters are revealed from the footnotes page of the work itself.


Antonio Soler. Gutenberg Galaxy. 22 €

After his award-winning novel ‘Sur’ now appears the latest work by Antonio Soler, inspired by one of the great scandals of Spanish national Catholicism, that of the Malaga priest Hipólito Lucena, creator of a sect that in the 40s and with the cooperation of a group of parishioners organized orgies at the altars.

‘The curve of oblivion’

Pedro Zarraluki. Destino. € 19.90

Several circumstances converge in what is the return of Pedro Zarraluki to the novel after a decade of silence: his stay in Ibiza during the pandemic and the memories of childhood and summer on the island. There the novelist places two 50-year-olds in crisis and their respective daughters in their twenties in the summer of 1968.

‘The strangers’

Jon Bilbao. Impedimenta. € 17.25

After the success of ‘Basilisco’, Bilbao once again explores couple relationships from a corner and slightly fantastic perspective. Jon and Katharina live drowned in the routine of which the sighting of unidentified lights in the sky and the subtly threatening arrival of a distant cousin and his assistant will bring them out.


Clyo Mendoza. Raft. € 18

It is one of the latest and most interesting discoveries in current Latin American literature. A Mexican poet who has taken a mortal leap into narration with this poetic novel with characters adrift that move in a hallucinatory landscape where violence marks the passing of the days.

‘Huaco portrait’

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Gabriela Wiener. Literatura Random House. 17 €

The Peruvian writer Gabriela Wiener has always used her experiences to put together her books. Here he uses the figure of the huacos, pieces of indigenous ceramics that serve him to reconstruct his contradictory family history, which comes from an Austrian of Jewish origin, an expert in plundering pre-Andean art.


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