‘Yrreal’, a mixture of animation and real image for a series about female revenge

A young woman who disappeared when she was returning home from a party and her sister’s determination to avenge the aggressor who has gone unpunished with the help of a spontaneous justice is the starting point of the story she tells ‘Yrreal’, the new series of the channel RTVE Playz, That premieres this Wednesday, 17. But the innovation of this proposal of suspense y ‘girl power’, winner of Conecta festival, is that the narrative mixes real images with 2D animation and comic book aesthetics, which makes it a very appealing product for young audiences. Angy Fernandez and Veki Velilla They are the young actresses who give life to the protagonists.

The proposal of Alberto Utrera, director from the producer MOa Studio (which turns a decade), and his partner Nuño Benito, Animation director, is not very common in our country, but has a clear reference in the american movie ‘Kick-Ass’. “Especially in the approach, although it gets crazier there & rdquor ;, he points out. In the film, the protagonist is a boy who decides to fight against the injustices of the institute, buys a suit on Amazon and becomes a superhero. Something similar to what happens to Lucia (Angy), who by putting on a mask (who would say that we would all end up wearing it), feels capable of kill who they have supposedly done disappear Elena’s sister (Veki).

The elements of the comic they have a double function. “To develop that head of Lucia, but it is also aesthetically a resource what could i call attention to first viewa & rdquor ;, confesses the director. And it is what led Santiago Segura – in addition to his friendship with Angie – to approach one of the passes after seeing the shocking trailer images and recommend it on Twitter.


The choice of actresses is one of the great successes. Fernández, with his orange hair and his physique between punk and boyish, turns out perfect to be captured in an animation character, while Velilla contributes elook fragile How unsettling when his personality transforms. “Elena is so on edge that when Lucía proposes something so crazy to her, she can let herself be dragged to places where, if you’re not careful, there is no going back & rdquor ;. And that flight forward to the Thelma and Louise that the girls live is peppered with violence and of moments that they scratch the gore.

Helps define the fast-paced rhythm of sequences, suspense, and black comedy, lthe soundtrack of the series, which is accompanied by thunderous sounds by embracing the comic book aesthetic. “Sometimes the tension increases and other times it lightens it & rdquor ;, explains Utrera. One of the chosen melodies, the one that choreographs one of the most violent scenes, ‘La dona é móbile’, came out after trying a lot of genres. “The rock was excessive. Neither did the pop hit. And the opera arose. Contrasts always work. And by adding that song to a scene with hints of gore, it takes on another dimension & rdquor ;, he explains.

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The fiction of Playz, that just earn an Ondas for your content, consists of six 20 minute chapters, a duration that only brings advantages: “It is a undeniable trend, there are already series of 10 minutes. We liked the 25 minute length, like Netflix’s ‘The end of the fucking world’, because there is a central plot and no subplots to develop. There’s a clear message & rdquor ;, he says. And it facilitates consumption: “You can eat them in an afternoon & rdquor ;, he assures. “There is so much offer that people do not want to mortgage in chapters of an hour & rdquor ;, value. “And if 30-second stories are told on Tit Tok & mldr; & rdquor ;, he adds.


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