Xavier Panés will relieve Antoni Abad at the head of Cecot

Xavier Panes Sancho has all the numbers to become the new president of the Cecot Vallesan employers association in substitution of Antoni Abad. After the end of the established period, the electoral board has certified that there have been no allegations to the only candidacy headed by Panés, who is part of the current board of directors and CEO of Tecmesy Ibérica. It also has almost 80% of the partners’ guarantees, when the minimum expected is 25%.

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The extraordinary electoral assembly The candidacy must vote this Wednesday and proclaim the new president, with which the electoral process initiated in the entity on May 26 will end. Panés will relieve the historic president Anthony Abbotwho has held the position for four terms, a total of 16 years plus another year as a result of the effects of the pandemic and the change in the general secretary, when Oriol Alba took over from David Garrofer, who held the position for more than 30 years.

Cecot is part of Foment del Treball through a relationship that went through great differences that caused the previous president of the Catalan employer, Joaquim Gay de Montellà, to decide to temporarily expel the Vallesan entity. With the arrival of Josep Sánchez Llibre to the presidency of Foment, contacts were resumed and Cecot rejoined the Catalan business organization.

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