Women, the ones who suffer the most from workplace harassment

Harassment, violence and harassment at work have become problems that generate serious problems in the Mexican labor market, however, it is women who are mostly affected by such practices, identified a study by the Center for Social Studies and Public Opinion of the Chamber of Deputies.

The report “Harassment, violence and harassment at work” indicates that according to data from the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), only in 2017 around 18,000 people resigned their jobs after being victims of workplace harassment, with the added that 80% of workers have witnessed acts of workplace harassment against a co-worker and 74% say that this behavior is exercised mainly by bosses.

And although these are situations that occur for all the personnel that make up the economically active population of our country, such behaviors are deeper and acquire more harmful connotations for women when they work in hostile environments that are likely to affect them beyond the field. labor.

In our country, 26.6% of women who work or have ever worked have experienced some violent act in the workplace, mainly of a sexual nature and discrimination based on gender or pregnancy.

While their main aggressors were to a greater extent co-workers (sexual-labor harassment) with 35.2%, followed by hierarchical superiors (sexual-labor harassment) with 19.3%, according to the National Survey on Dynamics of Relationships in Homes (ENDIREH) 2016. On average, each woman suffered three aggressors in the last year.

In this context, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare points out that despite the fact that 39% of the 55.7 million people employed in Mexico are women, there is no climate of respect towards them, on the contrary, an atmosphere of violence prevails in his against.

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