With an increase to the minimum wage, Mexico will rise 13 positions internationally: STPS

Luisa María Mayor Luján, secretary of the Work and Social Security, assured this Thursday that with the increase in minimum salary, agreed last Wednesday by the business sector, workers and the government, will be enough to buy 10 kilos of tortillas.

On December 1, a consensus was reached, unanimously, in the Council of Representatives of the National Commission of Minimum Wages (Conasami), made up of workers, employers and the government, to increase the minimum wage by 22% as of January 1, 2022.

During the President’s morning press conference Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the holder of the STPS said that with the increase for 2022 it will be enough to acquire 10 kilos of tortillas, what represents 3.5 kilos more tortillas that could be purchased compared to those that could be purchased with the 2018 salary.

Mayor Luján stressed that this increase will directly benefit 6.3 million workers who earn the minimum wage, as well as be a benefit for millions of additional families, because, he said, “by increasing income you can also buy more, the purchasing power is strengthened, so you can buy in the different businesses, services and that helps to strengthen the local economy ”, he said.

He highlighted that these 6.3 million represent 30% of the workers registered in the Mexican Social Security Institute.

He explained that with this increase, as of January 1, the minimum wage for the majority of the country will go from 141.70 pesos to 172.87 pesos a day; which would represent an increase of 948 additional pesos per month. In the case of North Border Free Zone, the minimum wage will go from 213 pesos to 260 pesos a day; which represents an increase of 1,428 additional pesos per month.

He stressed that this is the fourth consecutive increase to the minimum wage. He said that with the increase in most of the country it has been possible to recover 71% of the purchasing power of the minimum wage and in the case of the increase for the North Border Free Zone, 160% recovery of the purchasing power of the minimum wage has been achieved.

The head of the STPS indicated that with the increase there will be a purchasing power similar to that in 1984, and that the idea is to continue with a policy of sustained recovery over the next few years.

On the other hand, the secretary said that in the international comparison of the minimum wage, Mexico is currently in position number 80, but that with the increase for 2022, it would be possible to ascend 13 positions, with which the country would be placed in position number 67, above countries such as Colombia, Peru, Equatorial Guinea, Ukraine, among others.


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