Who will vote for in the labor reform and why?

  • The life of Ciudadanos necessitates the ‘sí’ of has four distinct formations that we are negotiating with the Gobierno

The Coalition Governor is currently working to approve the Labor reform. From the time the legislature convenes, some votes have been taken by the Coalition Executive. The Bloc of Investors, the priority social workers of Gobierno, ERC, PNV and EH Bildu will vote ‘no’ on the 3rd of February in the Congress. Salvo surprise of last hour. And the vista is puesta in Ciudadanos and some minority parties. The naranjas do not want to be needed by the Executive since the warnings vary from state of emergency to the beginning of the pandemic. It seems that regresses the times of the variable arithmetic.

A favor

Labor reform is currently, with 167 ‘days’, of the 176 necessary to be approved. PSOE (120 deputies) and United Podemos (34) have a month trying to increase the number that is in the zone of duty in the agreement with employers and unions. Prior to the launch of its habitual societies, the Gobierno Socialist had explored other areas and needed to build a truck.

The 9 deputies of Ciudadanos vote in favor of the ever-changing and uncompromising reform. As required by the CEO. Los naranjas creen that the norm is “ambitious little“, pero admiten que” treat to empower the employee and solve the existing problems “and that is the fruit of the social dialogue. Además, aseguran that su ‘sí’ can avoid ERC o Bildu “methane sus manos” in the text.

Coalition Canary maintains a similar discourse. Creen that the reform “be short”, but that it respects the agreements between employers and unions. And the leader of the Cantabria Regional Party, Miguel Ángel Revillaassures that “with the difficulty that is in Spain to reach an agreement, if it is between the affected, which is more difficult”. Teruel Existe is in the same line. New Canary Islandsclosest to the PSOE, applauding the norm attacking temporality, an endemic problem of the labor market in the islands.

In contrast

In the ‘no’ se accumulated 173 deputados. The PP (89 outlines) opposes the reform. The reasoning is simple: derogate from the normative terms that the president of Gobierno approves, Mariano Rajoy, in 2012. The return to the norm has led the conservatives to meet with the CEO, but he said that the pact is serious for the labor market. Vox (52) considers the agreement “a massive propaganda act” and a “burla“del Gobierno, la patronal y los syndicatos.

The ERC (13), EH Bildu (5), the CUP (2) and the BNG (1) will present a joint statement issued against the reform. Considering that it is “insufficient” and only supports the standard if the Executive accepts as a project of them to introduce modifications. El PSOE’s niega. Between its demands is to increase the compensation by default, recover the administrative authorization for the ERE or the priority of the autonomous agreements regarding the states. At this last point, there is also agreement between the PNV (6) and it is deeply regrettable that the Government does not want to change the agreement. Much of this demand in the Junts (4) comparison that tampoco dara su ‘sí’ a la reforma.

The block of ‘no’ hay que sumar a Pablo Cambronerorepresented by Ciudadanos who left the party and passed to the Mixto Group.

In doubt

The key is in the block of the indices. PDECat, with 4 deputies, Más País (2), Compromís (1) y UPN (2) todavía has not decided on the meaning of the vote, although all of them have expressed their predisposition to not pursue labor reform. Catalan post-convergents follow negotiations with the Gobierno with the intention of making it its ‘six’ quarter.

Related News

Más País y Compromís is also in talks with the Executive. Íñigo Errejón sostuvo que la labora reforma “es buena y puede ser mejor”. Le gustaría introduces cambios, pero eso no le llevará a voter en contra de norma. The spokesman for the Compromise at the Congress, Joan Baldovícoindice con Errejón y hablar también de un posible ententement para impulsar medidas legislativas a futuro que complementen eltextel text.

This group completes the two deputies of Union del Pueblo Navarro. El Gobierno is in talks with this formation, close to PP, to attract ‘sí’. At present, the board of directors of the Liberal Party has voted in favor of its deputies in the Parliament and has made a proposal to that effect on labor reform. The sum of these new deputies allow the Executive to launch the 176 ‘sites’the absolute majority.


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