Who are sanctions really hurting?

In a chronicle, Loïc Tassé ironically named some political leaders who should have sent a thank you card to Vladimir Putin for the invasion in Ukraine.

I would complete the list of thanks with the oil companies and arms manufacturers, who are proving to be the big winners from the Russian invasion.

On the other hand, if Ukraine sent a card to Putin, it would not be one of thanks. The Ukrainians turn out to be the most penalized in this war.

Soaring oil prices and looming inflation are significantly affecting the standard of living of the planet’s citizens, with the exception of wealthy people. All in all, you’d think a lot of people would rather send him a nonsense card.

The pretenses

The Trudeau government is increasing the sanctions against Russian leaders and oligarchs to appear exemplary.

He announced that there would be no more imports of Russian oil. Considering that Canada has not imported it since 2019, the announcement is without effect.

He wants people to believe that he will pay attention to collusion between the oil companies. However, it is not moving forward with controlling the prices and profits of the oil companies. Another reflection of a bogus intention!

Our oil supply chains are not seriously affected by this war. However, the oil companies find themselves at the forefront of the profiteers.

Arms dealers must also revel in announcements of shipments of Canadian arms and ammunition.

While some die, others died laughing!

make it true

Canada could have played the role of a peacemaker rather than a servant of NATO.

The Trudeau government should stop the embezzlement of ordinary citizens with skyrocketing prices at the pump that will ripple through all economic activities.

For now, it is citizens everywhere who are being punished while political leaders and oligarchs continue to line their pockets.


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