We are determined not to support this reform, reiterates the PAN in San Lázaro

Contrary to what was stated by the Morena caucus in the Chamber of Deputies, the deputy and coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of the BREADJorge Romero Herrera, affirmed that the opinion of the electrical reform does not contain the essence of the 12 proposals that the legislative alliance “Va por México” put forward, made up of the PAN, PRI and PRD caucuses, for which they will vote against that draft decree.

In statements via telephone to the media, the blue and white coordinator in Saint Lazarus He reiterated that the 113 deputies of his parliamentary group will vote against this draft decree.

“It is evident that they want to make people believe that now the irrational ones are the opposition, because they have already bought practically all our proposals and now we continue to refuse; false, 100 times false”, he said in statements.

Likewise, he questioned: “What is the use of buying 75 percent, 80 percent or 95 percent of our proposals, if we do not essentially agree? They want nationalize the electricity sectorand we want it to continue to be economically free and with competition, obviously, regulated and directed by the State”.

Due to the above, he stressed that next Sunday, April 17, the 113 members of the PAN Parliamentary Group will be present at the plenary session to discuss the electricity reform and vote against it and “we in the BREADWe are absolutely convinced that we are going to vote against this reform out of conviction, that is, this vote will not be a vote of loyalty to the leadership or to the coordination of the group,” he said.

Romero Herrera also expressed his expectation that Brunette permanently maintain its willingness to enrich the opinions of the laws, and not only in the constitutional reform in electrical matters, where they need the votes of the opposition, “if it were not so, then it could be interpreted that it is not so much a provision by plurality, but because they had no other choice,” he said.

“If they are betting that we are going to get tired, that they are going to reduce our presence, that they are going to play a game of wear and tear, they are betting badly, they are the ones who are wasting their time. We are resolved, as National Action and as an opposition coalition, not to support this reform, it is that simple”, he concluded.

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