Wall Street Debates Between Good Results And The Incident For The Fed

Despatches have confirmed the correction of the Nasdaq index last week, the prices of the Wall Street actions are related to an irrational form that few have with the companies that issue their titles. Toda bajaba y después subía empujado por una exacerbada volatilidad.

The inversionists hope for a return to monetary policy. Federal Reserve (Fed) en su annuncio del miercoles. A more restrictive posture than the one anticipated was the main theme of the inversionists in the first part of the week, in addition to a surprise on the bags.

The announcement results in line with the desperate: without changes in the price of the coin, with the start of the cycle of algae forecast for March, as well as a reduction in the balance of 9 billion dollars in assets that were used to buy during the pandemic, when the cycle of increments occurs in the initials.

Analysts consider that the announcements are discounted, without embarrassment, the actions will continue to pay. The justification was the lack of information about the algae tray directory in the cases that the Fed has in this year, such as its president, Jerome Powelldijo no se sabe todavía.

The consensus before the 26th year of March was on my three alzas. Powell says inflation in the United States will be controlled during 2022 and it is certain that there will be effects related to the pandemic. With more references, volatility is not declining and the market is selling the price on sale.

Some analysts consider that during the last part of the week, quarterly reports from the Microsoft Corp. giants will be released. (stores with effect jewels) and Apple Inc. (jueves con efecto el viernes) los que empujaron a Wall street on the positive ground, because the reflectors on the companies are being developed.

In addition to the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic (as a minor, consumption and calculation of some components for their products), the results of these companies outperform the analysts’ expectations in a model of their solidity that contrasts with the caidas de sus acciones.

But this is not the exclusive side of the two technological giants. As of the actual result period, 168 of the issues within the index S&P 500 of the 500 main firms of the market he presented his numbers and theirs, 77% outperformed the expectations, following dates of Refinitiv.

For Jorge S. Soto, Investorist and Master of Finance at the University of Mexico Valley, we believe that the Fed and recent accounts are not enough to think about it at the end of the market, but think so. sumados a los reportes habría espacio para avanzar.

If it is not possible to make sure that the market has reached its worst point in this process and the volatility continues to quiz until March, the big inverters will start buying. Taking into account that it has the ability to support losses, it has space to advance when it is lost ”.

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