Voting intentions: Liberals respond with their own poll

the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) responded to an internal survey of the Quebec Future Coalition (CAQ) on Thursday unveiled its own probe, which aimed to gauge Dominique Anglade’s policy support.

The day before, the CAQ circulated the results of online panels which grant it 49% of the voting intentions, against 16% for the PLQ, after distribution. The situation is particularly difficult for the Liberals among Francophones, who give them as much support (9%) as the Conservative Party of Quebec.

The survey was conducted by Synopsis Research with 1,500 respondents, from August 27 to August 30. It measures support to Solidarity Quebec up to 14% and Quebec Party, at 9%.

Liberal elected officials on Thursday refused to be demeaned by the results, which confirm some long-term trends for their training. They nevertheless unveiled their own poll, which was conducted by Data Sciences Inc – whose owner previously made headlines for his friendship with the federal Liberal leader. Justin trudeau – with 1,200 Quebecers, from May 19 to June 1.

The probe notes in particular that citizens who do not vote for the PLQ “would be more likely to reconsider their support” for the party “if it made a change in position in terms of health (17%), the environment ( 15%) or economy and public finances (14%). “A repositioning in terms of the French language (13%) or education (13%) would also be likely to reach new supporters”, it is written there.

The survey also notes that, depending on the various issues, Dominique Anglade’s PLQ garners more support than that of its predecessor, Philippe Couillard. In culture, in particular, 43% of respondents said they felt that the 2021 PLQ represented them better than that of 2018. These percentages are 41% in the French language, 39% in education and ethics and integrity and 38% in the environment. , secularism and immigration. A high proportion of respondents also said that they lacked information to answer questions, mainly on education issues (36%) and public economy and finances (34%).

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