Vancouver Bishop’s Fine Dining Institution Closes Permanently, Citing Rising Rent | The Canadian News

After more than 35 years in business, one of Vancouver’s best-known fine dining restaurants served up its last meal.

Bishop’s Restaurant in Kitsilano opened in 1985 and quickly became a mainstay of the city’s culinary scene; He is credited, in part, with helping bring the “Farm to Table” movement to Vancouver.

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The owner, John Bishop, had originally announced plans to retire and close the business in March 2020, but took a turn during the pandemic and was able to keep the business up and running by selling takeout.

In the end, COVID-19 did not announce the end of the business, he said: a new owner and a massive increase in rent did.

“It was like a punch to the stomach, and the fact that there was no flexibility in any way,” Bishop said.

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“I just couldn’t see giving them what amounted to $ 200,000 this year in rent at a time in a business that is very vulnerable, fragile at best.”

Click to play video: 'John Bishop on Decision to Close Iconic Vancouver Restaurant After 35 Years'

John Bishop on Decision to Close Iconic Vancouver Restaurant After 35 Years

John Bishop on Decision to Close Iconic Vancouver Restaurant After 35 Years – March 4, 2020

According to Bishop, the building’s new owner wanted $ 100 per square foot, more than the $ 40 he had been paying, and he also re-measured the property, adding 300 more square feet to his bill.

That was in addition to the expenses included in the lease, such as taxes, insurance, and building maintenance.

“Everything has been a bit blurry, because my clients want me to stay. Some clients have said: ‘We will write you a check so you can pay the rent.’ I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t take their money, ”he said.

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Now heading into retirement, Bishop said he plans to finish an autobiography, travel and work with local charities.

But he said he worries about what the future of restaurants in the city will look like for the next generation of restaurateurs.

“I am very afraid. You see how many restaurants are closing for a variety of reasons – understaffing, COVID restrictions, tourism – so many factors our industry depends on. I’m not very hopeful, ”he said.

“It is becoming more and more difficult to put table linen on the table. Nice cutlery. Glassware. I do not know what is going to happen. Maybe takeout will take over. Who knows.”

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