Ustec and the AEB agree that the new Catalan law will not convince the justice system

  • Iolanda Segura considers the regulations to be “teasing”, which “does not shield Catalan or immersion”

  • “The judge is not going to admit this agreement to skip the sentence,” warns Ana Losada

First reactions of the educational community to the agreement between ERC, PSC, JxCat and ‘comuns’ to protect Catalan in the classroom. From Youtec, majority union in public schools, its spokesperson, Iolanda Segurahas described the new law as “teasing” and predicts that this regulation and the decree law that the Government will prepare “will not stop the judicial offensive”. In Segura’s opinion, the new law “does not shield Catalan or linguistic immersion”, quite the contrary: “It puts an end to immersion”. He considers that it is in line with the modification of the language policy law that the ERC, PSC and ‘comuns’ agreed on, but “more made up” and “more ambiguous”.

“A law has to improve and this does not improve the situation of the Catalan”, has indicated the leader of Ustec. This teachers’ union fears that the fact that schools are free to design their language projects depending on the sociolinguistic environment opens the door to language segregation. He points out that there may be centers that exceed 25% of Spanish in the classrooms. “An unequal and segregating situation based on language is going to be created. It is inadmissible.” “We regret that the line of the political class and the Government is not immersion, which is what gives cohesion, equality and guarantees the learning of both languages,” she stressed.

Also dissatisfied, but for opposite reasons, the Assembly for a Bilingual School of Catalonia (AEB), entity that has claimed TSJC the forced fulfillment of the sentence that obliges to teach 25% of Spanish in the classrooms. its president, Ana Losada, has reiterated his confidence in the courts and has indicated that “the judge is not going to admit this agreement to skip the sentence”. “The sentence is very clear. Spanish is vehicular in all centers. It is not curricularnor of learning and its position in the center is not arbitrary depending on what the ‘conseller’ or the directions decide” Losada has pointed out. AEB intends to resort to justice any attempt to circumvent the sentence.

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From CCOO, It doesn’t look so black. Rosa Villarounion representative on the platform Som Escola, He has valued the consensus to promote a legislative initiative, although he has pointed out that “it is a step” and that “we will have to be attentive to the fine print to see if it really guarantees immersion and schooling in Catalan”. On the other hand, it seems more evident to him that the new law will protect the directors of the centers and will make it clear that the Department of Education is ultimately responsible for linguistic projects.

Martha Davidspokesman for Union of Students of the Catalan Countries (SEPC), has pointed out that the pact supposes a “claudication of the defense of Catalan at school”. “It places Spanish as the curricular language, which in practice will be vehicular, and provides more instruments to reduce the weight of Catalan”, he pointed out. From this student organization, they believe that the agreement is “a step back that will make the ruling of the TSJC be applied without problems.” Both the SEPC and Ustec have denounced that the parties have not counted on the educational community.

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