Urgent, put on cancer in the public agenda

El cancer is a health problem that is increasing day to day, is the second cause of death in the world and the first cause of death in productive edema, with high costs in advanced stages and giving 70% of deaths occurring in countries of both English and Latin American and Latin American; if analyzed in detail, one of each decade has been associated with this path, “this is a health, social and economic problem”, assured the doctor Oscar Arrieta Rodríguez, coordinator of the Functional Unit of the Oncology Department and Laboratory Chief Personalized Medicine of the National Institute of Cancer Cancer of Mexico (INCan).

In an interview, it is ensured that an integral attention is needed if the cancer is within the political agenda, “to store an optimal treatment and equipment”, for example, explains that there is a lack of radiotherapy equipment, angular powder in the cancer awareness together with surgery, chemotherapy and by suppression and prevention. “There is much that needs to be discussed from the governor, from a cancer registry to the means of prevention, reference and attention.”

Dijo que hablar en el marko del Dia Mundial de la Lucha Contra el Cáncer it is essential to have a reinforcement of competence in the population, see risk factors, preventive actions and self-care. “It’s a moment to tell patients that there is much to be done, including advanced nursing, to better diagnose, and improve medical care.”

The doctor Ana Polanco, medical director of Astellas Farma, coincides and agrees that when a patient is running with cancer It is very important to understand that being treated by an individual with individual characteristics, “each has its own form of living and transiting through it, so what we need to do is to be able to receive all the support that is needed from the drug treatment home attentions ”.

Dijo que de entrada los pasientes cursan con un un midi muy grande, “tan solo la palabra kancer da mucho miedo, en otras epocas inclo se associat un un muerte segura, hoy gracias a las nuasas therapias se ha logrado vercholte lo paro decir if it is curated and other opportunities can be maintained with a very broad and very good quality of life ”.

But there are also new reviews for patients and for women who are already in this support chain. Hablar de cancer It also has nutritional benefits, some pathologies that consume a lot of energy, in contrast to the need for organisms in optimal conditions to combat the disease, which also involves the physical part with properties and psychology, which plays a fundamental role in .

Agrega that the patient requires support and support for his care, some have very specific stages, for example, after a chemotherapy session, social spaces, for which it is very important also to take into account the health of the caregivers ”.

Although it is not important for me to treat patients with disabilities, they are their patients and they can help me, creencias and life form to treat the illness ”, Polanco assures that this is one of the most important parts in which the medicine must sensitize the patients, always from the empathy, so that the patient is empowered, where the tears of his enfermedad, pueda preguntar con mayor confianza a su médico y se genere una virtuosa médico-paciente.

Ultimately, one of the fundamental pillars without doubt is the age of the treatments, Polanco makes sure that in Mexico we have the opportunity to find many alternatives to treat the patients, for example high with the personalized medicine and the genetic analysis are the mutations that have and what are the most susceptible to drug responses. “Hoy

Our specialists are very capable and have a knowledge of these medicines, we are also working to ensure that these treatments are more readily available to patients and are available to both the public and private sectors ”.

Pulmonary cancer, in search of contraceptive alternatives

Dr. Arrieta Rodríguez explains that in the case of pulmonary cancer, the majority of patients suffer from advanced stages, “while in Japan stages IV are 40%, in the United States 28%, in the United Kingdom 22%, In Mexico alone, the .6% of temporary stages, that is, less than 1% of patients are potentially curable. It’s what makes me a very caring and disillusioned prostitute ”.

In Mexico, there is a subregister, but in many cases there is no pulmonary cancer diagnosis, there are already 9,000 registered cases. Here is the importance of increasing the temperature detection. Currently in the health system, the reference can be delayed weeks or months before the patient is referred to a second institution or third level for an integral treatment of canceris one of the situations that contribute to that in Mexico the patients are in advanced stages.

A form of retrieval of the figures is the subject of the screening or examination, if a tomography of low radiation is performed, which is carried out by persons with intense tobacco. This simple hecho will include a 20% risk reduction, “this is a big difference”. To put it in context, for the detection of breast cancer requires 1,500 mastographies to save the life of a woman, with 320 tomographs, to save the life of a patient with pulmonary cancer.

Until now in Latin America there is no training program for pulmonary cancer, but four months ago the National Institute of Cancer Research developed a program at no cost, in which case it also participated in the pharmaceutical industry and the social organizations. In fact, the first patient is detected with a pulmonary lesion, and patients with pulmonary cancer who are undergoing treatment, in the near future will expect 2,000 to 3,000 people in this year for detectives and receive its proposed proposals, analysts and planters at the political level, “to implant medias that we help to make better decisions in temperament diagnostics”.


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