Upside down telecommuting

Teleworking is a plastic way of carrying out a job and although its application is not easy, the reality is that there are many gaps in the current laws that make the situation more complex, and the deadline is yet to come.

The countdown that begins to put pressure on the Ministry of Labor under the command of Luisa María Alcalde Luján. In July of this year, the term of the Home Office law expires, by then, give rise to the official norm that regulates the aspects of safety and health in teleworking, which, puts in a dilemma the delays and lack of understanding to this new work formula.

But it is precisely what we know as NOM 037 that must be explained, expanded or replaced by a standard that regulates work in terms of health and working conditions, because, today, it is the one that exposes the gaps in the theme. Hence the urgency of making a new official Mexican standard that establishes these guidelines.

The big mistake of NOM 37 is that workers and employers have not been made aware of the need to have a good environment, in addition, what NOM 37 seeks to regulate are things that are irregular, such as the case of the schedule, which, limits this form of work to a locality given the differences in schedules from one country to another, for example.

Rule 37 wants to define work hours, start and end, which is wrong, because a foreign company considers different hours. And it would make teleworking impossible for Mexicans.

Proof of tax status is another limitation of teleworking, and the responsibility of the company or payments that will be diminished, because they are not unequal rules for Mexico compared to other countries in the world.

An official Mexican norm is required but one that is operational, it is better to have small but intelligent tele-legislation than a norm that wants to encompass so much that it leaves out this new way of working, which is here to stay.

For example, the employer cannot be asked to pay for all supplies, there must be a proration between services such as; electricity, internet and services that are used. As well as training on how to work.

The question is whether it can be done in time, or we will continue to see a delay in the issue that puts the neighboring country on alert, which is closely following the labor issue, facing the signing of NAFTA.

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marielena vega


Health, money and business

Co-founding partner, and host of the radio program Salud, Dinero y amor. Finance, business, economics, and wellness program.

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