United for the revocation consultation

Perhaps you have also noticed that the group of citizens who believe that Mexico is going the wrong way with López Obrador is splitting into two. Both currents share the objective of removing López Obrador and Morena from power, but they differ in when and how.

The first group, and the most numerous today, considers that we should refrain from participating in the referendum on the revocation of the mandate: “Nobody Votes, Nobody revokes and Let them go when they have to” or “You finish and you leave”, are Phrases that flood social networks and are supported by many of the main intellectuals and columnists in the country; and they are right. The López Obrador government has perverted the constitutional meaning of the consultation, and from being a citizen’s right (in which the government and political parties are prohibited from participating) has transformed it into a gigantic and illegal personalized propaganda campaign for López Obrador. But why does a president elected for six years and without the possibility of re-election want a propaganda campaign? Under normal circumstances, not at all. The problem is that with López Obrador nothing is normal circumstances. It is a fact that already in power, instead of working, he has devoted his efforts to maintaining a constant propaganda campaign to promote his image, and he is using the “ratification” hoax to keep himself current and hide the dismantling of the institutions of Mexico. If he cares so much about remaining in force, it is because he has no intention of leaving power and it is very likely that he intends to modify the constitution to be re-elected. Thus, the exercise of “ratification” serves two purposes: (i) to campaign and continue to promote themselves (even if it is breaking the law and handing out groceries), and (ii) to measure their machinery for carrying and coercing the vote. It is an exercise that will provide you with precise information on the adjustments you must make in the assistance programs and in all of your electoral machinery that today, as in the days of the PRI, is embedded in the public administration, whether federal, state or municipal. Given this scenario, not participating in the consultation seems to be the most rational. Let it stay alone and then we will also know what its true size is.

The second group, less numerous but with valid arguments, believes that it is now or never; that a massive turnout of those who have lost confidence in the president could force him out of office or at least send the message that a majority of citizens are willing to defend democracy and put a stop to it. It is true that when he loses, López Obrador says that there is fraud and he only recognizes what favors or suits him, and nothing indicates that in this case he will adhere to the law. He would simply intensify his attacks on the INE and could even use his shock groups to cause chaos and violence. The character who was born burning oil wells is still there, crouched under a sheepskin. The risk is obvious, but if there is even the slightest chance of revoking his mandate, perhaps we should take advantage of it and all the real power factors should take off their masks: they are with democracy or not. Here the question we must ask ourselves is whether there is such a remote possibility. I do not think so. Neither the opposition parties nor the intellectuals and columnists with the most followers on social networks are promoting this option, so gathering more than 20 million votes for the revocation to be effective seems almost impossible to me.

Both groups try to defend the INE. There is no discussion on that. The issue is that López Obrador will launch all his power against the INE regardless of the result of the consultation. What we must decide is which of the two options further weakens López Obrador’s claim to perpetuate himself in power. I don’t have the answer, but what I am sure of is that we Mexicans who disagree with López Obrador must stick together and act as a single group, supporting the position that, based on informed opinion, has more supporters on April 10, 2022. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that the objective is shared.


Gerardo Soria

President of IDET


Lawyer specialized in regulated sectors. President of the Telecommunications Law Institute (IDET). Doctorate in modern letters at the UIA.

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