Unicaja cites the unions on September 22 to begin negotiating the ERE

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Unicaja kicks off the process of negotiating your next job adjustment. The entity has summoned the unions to start talking about the Employment Regulation File (ERE) next September 22, as Invertia has learned from union sources.

The bank has set a date to sit down to deal with the unions, based on the Workers’ Statute, a collective dismissal after the integration of Liberbank, although it has not yet specified to the representatives of the workforce how many people the adjustment may affect.

However, from CSIF they estimated a few days ago that the adjustment could affect about a thousand workers, which represents around 10% of the workforce.

Unicaja’s is the ERE that was pending after Santander, Ibercaja, BBVA and CaixaBank have already agreed with their respective unions on the conditions of their collective dismissals and in Sabadell they have already started informal conversations.

In total, the restructuring that Spanish banks have been implementing since the pandemic hit will mean a cut of some 17,000 jobs and the closure of some 4,000 offices in just two years.


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