Unemployment insurance: the culmination of a reform punctuated by hiccups and bugs

After long and painstaking efforts, the government has just completed its reform of unemployment insurance. In the Official newspaper of Thursday, September 30, he published a decree that changes the rules for calculating the allowance paid to job seekers – these coming into force from Friday 1er October. This is the last part of a more global project, initiated at the start of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate and whose implementation began in November 2019. It is also a radical measure, since it will result in many many cases, by lower monthly compensation amounts than before. The unions, hostile from the start, have managed to postpone its application, thanks to legal actions. Their fight continues, in the courtrooms and through the agitprop.

At the heart of the controversy is an acronym: SJR, for benchmark daily wage. This parameter, which serves as a basis for setting the level of the allowance, now obeys new provisions, because those which have been in place until now have encouraged the proliferation of short contracts to the detriment of sustainable jobs, according to the Minister of Labor. , Elisabeth Borne. Occasionally, “You can earn more by being unemployed than by working”, she assured. His speech is, more or less, identical to that of his predecessor, Nicole Pénicaud, who carried the file during the first half of the quinquennium.

“Encourage work”

For people “subscribed” to the alternation of odd jobs and periods of inactivity, the sums paid each month by the compensation scheme will now be lower, while being able to be granted for longer. The objective is twofold: to encourage the unemployed to return to permanent positions and to fill labor shortages. “It is a new method of calculation which aims to encourage work”, said Monday on Franceinfo, Mme Thick headed.

The changes made to the SJR have massive effects, according to Unédic, the association co-piloted by the social partners which governs the unemployment insurance scheme. In April, it released an impact study whose “Orders of magnitude” remain valid, according to her. From the beginning of October 2021 to the end of September 2022, some 1.15 million individuals, i.e. 41% of “Incoming” in the device, “Will open a right” with a lower daily allowance “By 17% on average”, compared to what they would have touched with the old regulations. An essential clarification: these people will be able to receive a benefit for fourteen months, on average, against eleven at present.

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