Two snowmobilers found safe and sound

Two snowmobilers in their forties who had been missing since Sunday between the Saguenay and the North Shore were found safe and sound on Monday in the northern sector of Sacré-Coeur, near Lac Gorgotton.

They were supposed to go to Valinouët on Sunday afternoon, but they couldn’t reach their destination because they got stuck in a snow bank.

They still managed to find shelter for the night.

It was the helicopter of the Sûreté du Québec which located them Monday around 3:30 p.m. They were transported to the hospital center as a preventive measure.

All day Monday, patrols of the Sûreté du Québec on snowmobiles, accompanied by a rescue team from Destination Mont-Valin, combed trail 93, the one that connects the Côte-Nord and Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. , without success.

A call had been made around 10 p.m. Sunday evening to report their disappearance.

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