Twitter enters the list of defaulters of the Treasury with Kiko Matamoros and Eto’o

  • The number of debtors shoots up to more than 7,277, with an increase of 88%, as the pending liability is lowered from one million to 600,000 euros and incorporating the jointly responsible

  • The outstanding debt exceeds 18,200 million, but there are duplications, which once cleared, drop to 15,200 million compared to 14,100 million in June

Twitter, among legal persons, is one of the novelties of the list of defaulters with the Treasury published by the Tax agency, with 800,000 euros pending. In this list, the eighth that is published (one is in June and another in December of each year) follow the Real Madrid coach, Carlo Ancelotti, with 1.4 million; and the writer Ildefonso Falcones, with 1.3 million, which were already on the list last June, in addition to companies such as Martinsa Fadesa, with 25 million.

The chef is added to the list Sergi Arola, with 986,000 euros; the television character Kiko Matamoros, with 711,000 euros or the exculé Samuel eto’o (981,000) Also listed are the company Arturo Cantoblanco, of which the businessman is a shareholder. Arturo Fernandez, as well as the ex-banker Mario Conde (7.8 million) or the presenter Patricia Conde (one million). as well as the Barça footballer Dani Alves, with 2 million; Y the former partner of Iñaki Urdangarín, Diego Torres (956,000). Stay true to your appointment with this rating Agapito Garcia, with a debt of 14.9 million, as well as the real estate Nozar, with a liability of 214 million; Reyal City (340 million), New Rumasa de los Ruiz-Mateos, with 8.9 million or Pullmantur (834,000). The former vice president of the Government, Rodrigo Rato, which appeared in the June document, is not in the current one.

As a novelty on this eighth list, the joint limit of debts and penalties to appear in the list has dropped from one million to 600,000 euros pending as of August 31 last. In addition to the main debtors, it includes the solidarity leaders.

As a result of the changes, the total number of debtors amounts to 7,277, 88% more than that published in June 2021, as this time, not only a lower amount was incorporated as a novelty, but also those jointly and severally responsible for the debt. the most common cases are those who have collaborated in concealment or fraud, those who have breached the seizure orders or those who have been active collaborators in carrying out a tax offense. Once the data has been homogenized, the number of debtors would be 3,439, -11% compared to the previous list.

In the total amount of debt to be published (18,232 million) there are amounts duplicities also as a consequence of the inclusion of joint liability derivations. Subtracting duplications, the amount pending publication would be 15,200 million euros; therefore, there are 3 billion euros duplicated.


The total amount of debt exceeds 18,232 million compared to the 14,100 million of the list published last June, representing an increase of 29.4%. The amounts corresponding to debtors that only appear as the main debtor amount to 9,031 million; those that only appear as a responsible debtor, 1,336 million and those that appear to meet the two conditions: being both the main debtor, as well as a responsible debtor to whom debt has been derived from another principal: 7,865 million

Of the total debtors, 1,367 are individuals with a debt of 2,081 million, compared to 312 for an amount of 673 million euros in the previous list; Y 5,910 legal entities for an amount of 16,150 million euros (They were 3,557 for the amount of 13,426 million euros in the previous list).

Of the total amount, more than 7,200 million euros (40%) corresponds to debt in a Insolvency proceedings (2,176 debtors, 30% of the total) and, therefore, it is debt affected by a process in which the possibilities of effective collection of debts are limited while the bankruptcy process itself lasts. In the previous list, the proportion was higher: just over 7,270 million euros (51%); more than 1,696 debtors, 44% of the total.

Joint responsibility

Of the total debtors on the list to be published in December 2021, in relation to 3,587 main debtors, derivations of subsidiary or joint liability have been made to third parties other than the main debtor for an amount of more than 6,440 million (equivalent to 35% of the amount total debt included in the list). These actions influence the extension in the time of the collection of said debts.

A total of 585 debtors no longer appear in the list of debtors to be published in December 2021 after having appeared in June 2021, that is to say that drop the list, with an amount of 1,901 million euros. The removal from the list may be due both to the total or partial cancellation of the debts that are the subject of publication, as well as to the obtaining of a postponement or suspension of the debt before the date of data collection.

As a consequence, fundamentally, of the expansion of the publication perimeter, a total of 3,993 debtors appear in the list of debtors to be published in December 2021 and did not appear in the list published in June 2021, that is, that enter the list. The amount of the debt amounts to 5,737 million euros.

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Throughout 2021, a total of 1,274 debtors who had outstanding debts at the end of 2020 and for which they were published in the seventh list on June 30, have made income from those debts in the amount of 268 million euros. On the other hand, there have been revenues of 101 million corresponding to debtors who have avoided appearing in the eighth list to be published in December 2021.

These debtors were in one of these two situations and were going to be selected for publication, but in the weeks prior to the date of data collection, August 31, they entered sufficient amounts not to appear on the list or were selected, but were They accepted the modification of article 95bis of the general tax law, which allows not to appear in the list if a full, complete deposit of the debts for which they would be published before the end of the period of allegations is made.

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