Trial of Jean-Claude Rocheford: “It was an urgent situation”, says an investigator

Investigator Christopher Audy defended his report, which called for rapid intervention with Jean-Claude Rochefort on the second day of his trial.

Mr. Rocheford was a blogger who admired the Polytechnique killer, Marc Lépine, and even wanted the recipient of an honorary doctorate during the 30e anniversary.

This was not the only worrying point according to the investigator.

A post on one of his blogs is titled “Preparing for December 6”.

“In this one we talk about polishing rifles and celebrating Marc Lépine for the hero he is,” reads the investigation report by agent Christopher Audy.

“It was an urgent situation. There was fear for the lives of women, feminists, police officers and UQAM employees during the commemorations. We feared an attack by armed people,” investigator Audy told the jury on Tuesday.

Faced with the emergency, Bell gave the address of these blogs and it was Jean-Claude Rochefort.

During one of his testimonies, Mr. Rocheford explained why he hated women.

“I was afraid of this feminist power because we could lose our jobs, we could lose contracts and there is always this fear in Quebec men of losing our jobs, losing our privileges, losing everything because ‘there are certain things that cannot be criticized,’ said the accused.

Jean-Claude Rocheford’s trial continues this week and he is expected to testify on Friday.

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