To hell with the health sector

Today Mexico appears among the four countries with the highest number of deaths from Covid-19, leader in deaths of health personnel, in children who were orphaned and the list of leaders who managed the pandemic worst is headed by Trump, Bolsonaro, Johnson , Modi and Lopez Obrador.

Bringing 500, 1,000 or 10,000 doctors from Cuba or from the antipodes is the least of it, the real problem is that the Mexican health system is in pieces and it is not seen how it will be reversed in the remainder of the government.

The controversy over López Obrador’s decision to give another contract to the island government, after the previous one for 6.2 million dollars during the pandemic, only adds to what is already known, that the Mexican government has been subsidizing the Cuban for various pathways. The purchase of the Abdalá vaccine is added to the doctors’ agreement, which does not comply with the protocols of the World Health Organization.

By the way, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation got back on track and decided to reserve the information on vaccine purchases for five years, ostensibly for national security, to see when we will know what was actually paid to Cuba, if there was gifts to countries like Honduras and those that expired.

We must not lose sight of the fact that international organizations classify agreements with dictatorships as trafficking in professionals. Four United States legislators recently asked President Biden to review the possible violation of the T-MEC with the aforementioned contracts.

In 2018 the health system was not perfect but it worked, it was far from what the countries with the best healthcare service have, but a good percentage responded to the majority. Today, more than 15 million Mexicans have lost what little or much that the popular insurance offered them, which disappeared voluntarily from the presidency.

INSABI has been one of the most painful failures for those who do not have any type of coverage, a population that increases day by day because the informal economy is around 56%, with which workers are left without social security.

And what to say about the lack of medicines, the cases of children with cancer have been widely publicized, which is in fact one of the worst omissions of this government, but equal or worse are those who suffer from pre-existing diseases such as obesity, hypertension, kidney diseases or HIV.

López Obrador is going to end his presidency with more or less 1 million dead. The management of the pandemic has been a disaster from start to finish, it acted late, without effective actions and any defense that you want to make will run into that of: go out, go to restaurants, hug each other, stop, that only the corrupt they are contagious (he twice), discrimination and insufficiency of vaccines and that 60,000 deaths would be catastrophic.

Today Mexico appears among the four countries with the highest number of deaths from Covid-19, leader in deaths of health personnel, in children who were orphaned and the list of leaders who managed the pandemic worst is headed by Trump, Bolsonaro, Johnson , Modi and Lopez Obrador.

Since his administration began, that is to say, López Obrador haggled over the budget to the health sector, he has been far from complying with the recommendations of organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), among his priorities is not the people’s attention.

The next government will receive a system in ruins, yes, very far from the one they have in Denmark.

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Juan Maria Navaja


on the fringe

He is an analyst, consultant and lecturer. He is the author of the book Radio Journalism an Inconclusive Review, Editorial Porrúa and Co-author of Political Communication 2.1 model to assemble, Editorial Etcétera.

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