Three key points of the SNITIS union’s complaint to the EU against Panasonic

The Independent National Union of Industry and Services Workers “Movement 20/32” filed its second labor complaint with the United States government against the Panasonic company, in order for it to be analyzed under the Rapid Response Mechanism, which since it is a priority sector where auto parts are produced, the violations must be reviewed to freedom of association.

According to the document presented this April 18, prior to the voting to determine the union that will represent the workers, who voted for the non-legitimation of the employment contract in October, it is highlighted that Panasonic Mexico had a collective bargaining agreement with the Autonomous Industrial Union of General Maquiladora Operators of the Mexican Republic (SIAMARM), headed by leader Alberto Lara Bazaldúa, and of the 2,042 workers who could cast their vote, there were 1,531 valid votes, of which 888 were against the contract and 643 in favor.

Likewise, there are three aspects that are highlighted in the complaint presented:

  • The first is that the company allowed the entry of SIAMARM, which offers bribes to workers (around 1,500 pesos) to remain affiliated.
  • The second related to the withholding of union dues that the company began to withhold on March 25.
  • The third, the circulation of a new collective contract, despite the fact that the elections have not yet been held.

In the document they detail that the majority of the workers refused to endorse this new collective agreement that the company and SIAMARM they agreed, and “they tried to force them and this triggered work stoppages throughout the plant, which have lasted more than a week.”

In addition, they argue that more than 300 workers have already submitted written requests to the company to stop discounting union dues, without a favorable response so far, and in this labor process, 60 workers have been fired, the most sympathetic to Independent National Union of Industry and Services Workers “Movement 20/32” (SNITIS).

Due to the foregoing, it considers that there is a “denial of rights” by violating transitory article XI and article 390 Ter of the Federal Labor Law, by Panasonic Mexico; because they refuse to allow the workers to choose, by means of vote, their union representation.


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