This is the fastest and safest solution to offer your patients the option of financing

During the performance of their work, many health professionals refuse to offer their patients the option of financing the medical services they offer them, due to the slow bureaucratic procedures and administrative burden.

Precisely to cover this need, Your Medicine Financedthe first Spanish company specialized in offering the processing of financing to the health sector, providing coverage to health professionals to facilitate their patients’ access to the medical procedures they offer. An effective service that allows the health professional a financial solution to the medical needs of their patients.

There are many financial products on the market, but none specifically designed for health. Your Medicine Financed offers its customers personalized, secure solutions in less than 24 hours. In addition, it operates in a wide variety of medical specialties, providing coverage for surgical interventions, treatments offered from hospitals, clinics and medical services, relieving them of the bureaucratic burden of the procedure and allowing them to increase the demand for the service they offer.

A business proposal that consolidates support for the medical community

The demand for paid services in private medicine has evolved a lot and health professionals are continually looking for alternatives and improvements in the way they offer patients different types of medical services.

Your Medicine Financed it’s a proposal loaded with benefits for the medical group, which frees you from managing paperwork so that your mission is to serve your patients. This agile, easy, profitable and safe work system, outsource the bureaucratic process and makes it easier for patients to finance the medical treatments they carry out. Professionalism, comfort and advice. Those are the three words that, according to the medical group itself, define the work of Tu Medicina Financiada. An always proactive protocol that allows the healthcare professional increase its activity and the rate of acceptance of the proposed services. In addition, it also increases patient loyalty and return on action, since this method is based on the “TMF Disclosure Effect & rdquor;. On the other hand, by charging directly from the partner financial, Delays in settlements are avoided.

Premium TMF centers, more patients and better care without the need to manage financing procedures

Far from the bureaucratic inconvenience that this type of procedure usually entails, the centers that offer the services of Tu Medicina Financiada through the established protocol, become Premium TMF Centers. This service guarantees a personalized experience for the patient that is adapted to their needs, without this entailing a management burden for the doctor who delegates the procedure to Tu Medicina Financiada.

In short, the Premium TMF Centers they achieve greater dissemination of their services, notoriety in the commercial proposal, full direct collection and an increase in commercial return.

If you want information to benefit from all these advantages, Sign up and request a DEMO.

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