They investigate four motives for the murder of journalists

The governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, reported that the State Attorney General’s Office opened four lines of investigation for the murders of journalists Yessenia Mollinedo Falconi and Sheila Johana García Olivera. .

“It was decided to work on four lines of investigation, two of them suggested by the first indications at the scene, those collected by the FGE and one that has to do with the activity they carried out in the electronic medium,” he confirmed. the president during the work meeting of the State Coordination for the Construction of Peace.

In the same way, he explained that the audios that one of the victims allegedly addressed to other people in the area were taken into account, which are already circulating publicly, as well as any indication that leads to clarifying the fact and finding those responsible.

For his part, the murders of the journalists from the portal El Veraz, the United States ambassador Ken Salazar described the act as a cowardly and evil act.

In the same way, he indicated that the attack against the communicators is also against the entire Mexican society “and the international community; who values ​​democracy repudiates it”.

Through his social networks, the US ambassador indicated that freedom of the press in our country is under attack and requested an urgent response to end the violence against journalists. (Drafting)

One of the lines of investigation, Governor Cuitláhuac García confirmed, has to do with his journalistic work.

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