‘They don’t belong here’: North Pickering residents fear invading wild boars will harm crops and nature

The Ministry of Natural Resources is actively investigating wild pig sightings in northern Pickering, the city of Pickering confirmed.

“Eurasian wild boars are not native to Ontario and pose numerous risks once they enter our landscape, including negative impact on the natural environment, destruction of agriculture, and the spread of disease to indigenous wildlife and livestock.” said the city in the same Instagram post.

Brougham resident Mary Delaney and her husband saw the wild boars on Monday, November 8, in their garden.

Before the sighting, a staff member from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) had knocked on their door, informing them of the wild boars that had been sighted north of them. The MNR employee had asked the couple to call if they saw them.

After reporting them to the Ministry of Natural Resources on November 8, Delaney decided to get in the car to warn local farmers.

On his way back home, he saw 14 of the pigs on the 22nd sideline. He called the sighting and took some photos while he waited for the MNR to arrive.

The wild boars have not yet been caught..

There has been a lot of talk about wild boars in the village and other areas north of Pickering, which is home to many farms and natural areas.

“It’s a huge fear here,” Delaney said. “They reproduce like rabbits.”

She said this is not what Land Over Landings envisions for the area. The group believes that the land, which was expropriated by the federal government in the 1970s for a future airport, should be returned to nature and agriculture. Members want to see wild animals like coyotes and beavers, not invading wild boars.

“They don’t belong here,” he said.

Before speaking to the news announcer for this story, Delaney said she looked out her kitchen window and saw that four of the wild boars had returned and were trashing her yard.

“These weren’t full size, but they were scary,” he said.

She said they “rummaged around the compost but not the compost” and “took out the beets and didn’t eat the beets.”

He said it is clear that these animals are domesticated as they are not afraid of people.

“This is a serious, serious situation that must be contained,” he said.

Delaney said the 14 pigs he saw for the first time appeared to vary in size and age, from ‘teenagers’ to older adults.

Those who see wild pigs are asked to note the date, time and location and to report the sighting from afar.

Sightings can be reported to [email protected] or call 1-833-933-2355.

Visit pickering.ca/wildlife for more information on Eurasian wild boar sightings.


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