These are the new government measures to contain the advance of omicron

  • The Council of Ministers will approve this Thursday the package of measures to stop contagion

The Minister council will approve this Thursday new measures to contain the advance of the variant omicron of coronavirus. The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, has communicated to the regional presidents the decisions it has taken so that they come into force and prevent the spread of the virus. These are the seven planned actions:

Mandatory outdoor mask

Six months later, the mask will once again be mandatory outdoors. This is a measure claimed by several regional leaders in recent days but questioned by experts because most of the infections occur in closed and poorly ventilated interiors.

The vaccination process will also be intensified and accelerated. The objective is that 80% of the population between 60 and 69 years old is vaccinated with a third dose before the end of the year, that 80% of those between 50 and 59 years old get it in the week of January 24 , so that it is so in 80% of those between 40-49 years old the first week of March, that 70% with the first pediatric dose arrive the week of February 7 and that 70% have the second pediatric dose in the week of April 19th.

Participation of the Armed Forces

There will be a reinforcement of the devices with vaccination teams of the Armed Forces (Armed Forces) and the hospitals of the Military Health Network.

Professional tests in pharmacies

Will be issued temporary authorizations to allow the sale in pharmacies of certain antigen tests for professional use so that they are available to the entire population.

Reinforcement of professionals

Government the number of available healthcare professionals will increase and improve their working conditions, reducing temporary employment to below 8%. The Budgets will allocate 292 million euros to this plan, most of it transferred to the autonomous communities. In addition, there will be a reinforcement with the hiring of retired and early retired health personnel and authorization to hire professionals with a specialist degree obtained in non-member states of the European Union.

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People who have had direct contact with an infected person They should not quarantine if they are vaccinated with complete guideline.

As of February 1, 2022, within the COVID digital green certificate, the period of validity of the vaccination will be 9 months from the date of the last dose administration.

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