These are the 5 most successful recipes of ‘Cata Mayor’

  • A cheesecake, an orange sponge cake and a yogurt sponge cake, and tips for making homemade bread right and not failing when cooking mushrooms

Finished 2021, ‘drunk’ and ‘eaten’ the year, we digest what was published and review those recipes that the readers of ‘Cata Mayor’ liked the most, the ‘best sellers’ of the EL PERIÓDICO gastronomic channel. And these are the five most popular recipes, the ones that have been read the most (and, we want to think, the ones that have been cooked the most in your homes). Because we are talking about tens of thousands of visits.

Size success is a sign that they work. That is why we recover them in this article. Do you dare to do them or do them again?

Learn in 27 seconds to make the La Viña cheesecake

7 mistakes you make when preparing mushrooms

Spain is a ‘setero’ country: this is especially noticeable in how markets and greengrocers fill up with different varieties when autumn arrives, from the ‘boletus’ to the chanterelle, passing through the thistle mushrooms. As a button shows: Anglo-Saxons have only one word -‘mushroom’- to refer to all types, be it mushrooms or champignons.

But that amount of options does not automatically make us masters when it comes to cooking them. The cook María Luisa Banzo, who runs the restaurant Maria Luisa’s Kitchen in Madrid since 2004, she is one of the great mycologists in the country. She points out the worst enemies we face when cooking mushrooms at home. No mincing words, as is customary for her.

Make the best orange cake in 5 minutes

Cooking doesn’t have to be complicated. Neither does the confectionery. There are many quick and easy recipes that in a very short time and with very few ingredients achieve a delicious and very apparent result. Here we explain how to make a delicious and juicy orange cake or sponge cake in less than five minutes, not counting the baking time. This recipe also has the advantage that you do not need special appliances or a lot of skill in the kitchen to be able to follow all the steps and achieve a delicious cake such as pastry. In addition, the whole process of preparation is very fast and you will only need a hand mixer and a container large enough to hold all the mixture.

These are the tricks to make a perfect homemade bread

Jordi Morera is one of the great promoters of bread. The representative of the fifth generation of L’Espiga d’Or, which was named World Baker 2017 by the International Union of Bakers and Confectioners, has just published ‘Baker for a day’ (Espasa), a book that joins the essential ‘Today you will make bread’ (Now Books), for a wider audience general, and ‘The revolution of bread’ (Montagud), more technical. He also gives courses ‘on line’ of homemade bread through Courses with Crumb. We have asked you to tell us some tricks to make a perfect homemade bread. And he, delighted, gives them to us. Of course, it warns that to make good bread “you have to have patience and time, and organize yourself well.” “Unlike other areas of the kitchen, in this area neither many nor very rare ingredients are needed, but the important thing is the process.”

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The fluffiest and easiest yogurt cake in the world

The yogurt sponge cake recipe is, without a doubt, one of the easiest to make, not only because of how simple it is to make but because you will practically not even have to write down the recipe. It is that simple. The secret of this recipe for a yogurt cake, which always comes out good and delicious, is none other than the measurements of the main ingredients: flour, sugar and oil. And it is very easy to take them. For this we will use one of the containers that we will use: the yogurt glass. The rest is a matter of logic. You have to measure the ingredients with this glass and increase their quantity in alphabetical order. That is, you must use the glass of yogurt to put one measure of oil, two measures of sugar and three measures of flour. It’s easy to remember: oil, sugar and flour. Add each ingredient in alphabetical order and each time add one more measure. Then add three eggs and some yeast and you will have the yogurt cake ready to be baked. Simple, right?

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