The war in the Donbas has killed a city of dead in the Ukraine

  • Many of the inhabitants of Sloviansk, Opitne or Kostiantinivka, along with the front line, emigrated, and those who are already living in semi-ruined buildings by bombers

More than pensioners en el ocaso de la vidaparecen enjoying sombras vivientesfiring pen duras between the sucios charcos formados por la nieve fundida, acarreando pesados ​​bultosand in some cases, almost revolving between the walls in search of enseres utiles. From time to time, surge de la nada some wineliterally and manga de camisa weight free rein, with a artificial and hieratic sonrisa, and assiendo con la mano una botella media vacía de algún licor local. The apparition, as a ghost, a median individual with the rostro prematurely enveecidolas ropas sucias y ajadas y hasta congested mucosity colgándole de la nariz.

Between it and the direction of the military vehicles directed towards the front, within a distance of kilometers, within the range of the furgonetas belong to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, pintadas con ese ese blanco irreal color sur sorprende y hasta inquiet en un paisaje dominado por los grises; in the middle of a degraded urban horizon salpicado by semiderruidic editions that in his day, the fueron pasto de las llamas have been bombarded, or are being converted into the battle of battles, killing the inhabitants of Slovenian, Kostiantinivka you Opitnea network of tamino populations located in the length of the demarcation line in the conflict of Donbas, region in the Ukraine of Ukraine in war since eight years ago. Although here we are combates han cesadothe proximity of the front has converted to these other prospects localities in “dead cities”, according to the phrases applied to its property proposals, literally under the control of the Ukrainian Ejército and in which only residents who do not have ya adonde ir.

An apartment with a single floor, where a house, a living room, a writing room and a kitchen are all built together, there is everything that the living room has to offer. Liudmila Teikherta construction engineer cuya exitosa carrera fue truncada por la guerra. “Yo vivía y trabajaba en Donetsk, pero tenía este apartamento; nunca pensé que acabaría viviendo aquí”, explica, casi con desprecio, como queriendo dar a entender que en su caso, cualquier tiempo pasado fue better. Dentro de su desgracia, admite haber tenido “suerte”. The set of blocks that formaban this little barrio inhabited by a thousand people before the war, only the suya has been repaired. Las paredes y el techo aguantaban; recibí donativos de a pair of companies to buy construction materialand after six years, in 2020 the Gobierno regional installed a electric heating“, explain.

Most complicated panorama

Sus vecinos, sin embargo, tienen ante sí un panorama infinitely more complicated. As a recorder that in this same geographical point must lie, in the postrimeries of the primavera de 2014, cruentos enfrentamientos which will lead to the expulsion of the milicias prorrusas de Sloviansk, yacen a uno y otro lado sendas ruinas de edificios que las autoridades ni se molestarán en reconstruir. “There is nothing that I can do; I can tell you what I have and what I have.” communal space“, relata. Sus moradores, continúa esta mujer de sonrisa perenne, I tend to hope to get new apartments: “Some are already in the house of their fathers, others he marketed in Russia; hecho, more of 30% de gente se ha ido y no volverá jamás “. Una trayectoria vital que elma misma aspira a recorrer en un future futuro. “This city is dead; I want to go to it Poland y recuperar mi trabajo “, concluye.

Kostiantinivkaalso apenas 20 kilometers from the front with the autodenominated Popular Republic of Donetskis in the best condition and has not satisfied the beautiful Slaviansk desgarros. Las milicias prorrusas “Occupy the city and the city will retire without resistance”, aclara Nikita Kozak. As such, the guerrillas of the war, this segment of human beings who have made their appearance in any armed conflict and approve the occasion to enforce, he has here a subscribed camp. “The alcohol has disappeared, has robbed the diner and we do not know where it is”, informs.

On the verge of emigration, in a “militarized city“as the suya, the only options with which this joven can be to escape the misery is precisely the Ejército.” Pronto iré al military service“, apunta, casi con orgullo. No parece inquietarle the idea of ​​luchar contra los rusos, ni la combati en no front. “I have nothing to say,” he said. And when? “Continue the military career; here no hay futuro“, afirma con decisión. Unas calles más alla, en el local market which acaba to close its doors, one designed female for 65 years who learns to be octogenarian and monkey logra musitar in his name, admits that he has barrer a diario the facilities to complete a misery pension equivalent to 60 euros.

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The inhabitants of Opitne, within a mile of this KostiantinivkaI did not listen to the sound of artillery bombardments or exchanges of missiles especially during the hours of obscurity. The next most populated area is 20 kilometers away from the town of Górlovka. milicias prorrusas. “This is not Ukraine”, advised a local. Larisa Ivanovna lament that nadie haya repaired aún la banya (sauna) local or the block of communal box (apartments that share bathroom and kitchen) donde residió for decades. And admit that there is a serious problem with the “youth” that has been committed. “alcoholism“y”drugs“.

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