The video shows Los Angeles police officers pushing

During one of many protests for abortion rights over the weekend, actress Jodie Sweetin was seen on video being pushed to the ground by Los Angeles police officers. Sweetin, best known for her role as Stephanie Tanner on “Full House,” was directing a group of protesters away from the highway when the incident occurred, said a reporter who captured the moment on Twitter.

In the video, Sweetin is seen standing on a freeway embankment yelling something through her megaphone at protesters as Los Angeles police officers grab her and push her several feet onto the freeway. She quickly stood up again.

The crowd immediately starts yelling at the officers, with one person yelling, “What the hell is wrong with you guys?” The protesters then began chanting, “No justice, no peace,” led by Sweetin. It’s not immediately clear what may have happened leading up to the incident.

Mike Ade, the journalist who captured the moment on video, said it “hurt” him to see Sweetin being “thrown to the ground” like that.

“I was trying to get a group of peaceful protesters off the highway,” Ade said on Instagram. “[Shaking my head] @LAPDHQ what are you doing? Jodi is the definition of someone real, and luckily, she’s fine! But for others who choose to protest today, please move with caution and keep your head in the loop. It’s going to be a very long summer.”

CBS News has reached out to the LAPD for comment.

Other video captured by Ade this weekend shows police using batons to push and beat protesters. He was seen with some of the protesters directly confronting the police.

Sweetin, who also appears on the CBS show “Beyond the Edge,” posted the video to her own Instagram profile and commented, “I love everyone out there on the streets fighting for what’s right.”

in a statement To People, Sweetin said: “Our activism will continue until our voices are heard and action is taken. This will not deter us, we will continue to fight for our rights. We are not free until ALL of us are free.”

This weekend’s protest in Los Angeles was one of many across the country spurred by the Supreme Court’s announcement on Friday that it has overturned Roe v. Wadethe landmark 1973 decision that guaranteed the constitutional right to abortion in the US Justice Samuel Alito issued the opinion, calling Roe “grossly wrong from the start” and saying it was a decision that had “damaging consequences.”

The three dissenting judges, however, said that the 6-3 ruling is a “reduction of the rights of women and their status as free and equal citizens.”

“By thus safeguarding the reproductive freedom of every woman, the Constitution also protected ‘[t]The ability of women to participate equally in [this Nation’s] economic and social life,’” the dissenting judges wrote. “But not anymore”.

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