The Vallvidrera tunnels will have a second section radar in 2023

The C-16 will have a new span radar in 2023 which will join the one already in operation to the height of Sant Cugat in both directions of traffic, where the camera is shot when exceeding an average speed of 110 kilometers per hour. The Servei Català de Trànsit does not specify for now where the new control will be placed, but if you opt for the Vallvidrera tunnel, the last one before accessing Barcelona through Via Augusta and with a length of 2.5 kilometers, the limit, if not indicated otherwise, is 80 km/h. It will begin to be installed in October and will be ready for punish in early 2023. This measure is included in the 2022-2023 radar plan of the Servei Català de Trànsit, and has a cost of 337,630 euros.

The project includes the replacement of another 12 radars of the Catalan road network. Cameras installed on the B-23, the AP-7, the C-31 south, the C-32 south, the B-20 and the C-33 will be changed. All of this has a budget of 2.6 million euros. As detailed by Trànsit, inappropriate speed represented 17.4% of the concurrent factors in accidents with victims in interurban areas in 2021. Excessive speed not only aggravates injuries, but also reduces reaction time behind the wheel.

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