The TSJC authorizes the extension of the restrictions in Catalonia for a further 14 days

The curfew, capacity limitations and the use of the covid passport are extended for two more weeks

The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) authorizes the extension of the measures proposed by the Generalitat de Catalunya for 14 more days to try to stop the explosion of infections in the territory. The courts support maintaining for two weeks more measures such as the curfew (from one to six in the morning in municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants where there is a high incidence of cases), as well as the meeting limit of maximum 10 people, the capacity restrictions of 70% in religious acts and civil meetings and the Covid passport compulsory to access restaurants, certain cultural spaces and geriatric residences.

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According to the resolution, published this Wednesday, the The extension of these measures is due to the “notable increase” in the incidence of covid-19 in the territory. Especially now that, as confirmed by epidemiological studies, the omicron variant has exponentially multiplied the number of infections in practically the whole world. “Cases are up 35% more than last week“and” the admissions for covid-19 represent 16.81% of the total number of patients admitted to Catalan hospitals and a 52.44% of those admitted to intensive care units“, collects the resolution, citing in turn the data provided by the committee of experts that advises the Generalitat regarding the evolution of the pandemic.

Catalonia applied this battery of restrictions on December 24, just before Christmas, given the increase in the indicators of the previous weeks. At first, the Generalitat asked to maintain the regulations until January 9. But worsening of the epidemiological situation has forced the Government to extend these measures, which will remain in force until at least January 23. The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia has endorsed practically all of the measures requested by the Generalitat to face the sixth wave of the covid-19 pandemic.

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