The technical competencies and skills most demanded by companies in 2022

Competencies in leadership, digital sales, consumer experience, well-being, remote work, digital transformation, data and, of course, soft skills, will continue to be the most required in the world of work in 2022, according to Crehana, a platform for learning and training.

At the end, one day, of the pandemic, “many occupations will be reconfiguring and new plans and strategies will be known to promote productive development. The demand for new skills will grow and programs will be required to reconvert, requalify and reintegrate workers in the new activities, “says the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the report. Professional training in crisis response and recovery and transformation strategiesn productive post covid-19.

“People who lose their jobs and cannot find open vacancies to use their skills will have to enter requalification and updating programs and, consequently, those who do not find access to such programs, will not be able to easily reincorporate in quality jobs and your skills could become obsolete in a short time ”, alerts the document.

On the contrary, according to Crehana’s measurements, after a period of 12 months of courses, his apprentices have increased their salary 2.5 times, says Diego Olcese, founder of that platform. The pandemic the need to know how to lead teams increased, work with the technology that was already available and that was developing and improve skills such as creativity and adaptability, he says. The challenge was to do it in a digital environment and that now, probably, it will become hybrid, he says in an interview.

This crisis “reinforced the way in which leaders seek to know and understand the team”, without seeing “each other’s faces every day, we have to connect in a different way, to generate commitment.” And if almost two years of this has not been enough time to learn it, next year will not be the time to put this learning aside, he warns.

Many companies did bet on developing their talent to face the advancement and penetration of technology, he considers. But this situation has not stopped and the following year the changes will continue and others will be deepened, such as evaluation based on results, not time, and for this people will have to continue training, he says.

Management of social networks, e-commerce and others

Latin America “has been one of the regions with the greatest impact on the cultural transformation of the business. In the end, we have made a configuration to the way we see the work ”. But this clash was mainly because “we were far behind in remote work, in several European countries this model had existed for many years.”

In Mexico, for example, the change to teleworking took place first from March 2020 and then, until December of that year, the approval of the legal reform to regulate it and, to a certain extent, prevent abuses. But that change to the Federal Labor Law (LFT) is precisely another indicator that this is not a passing trend, but a transformation for which the workforce in small or large companies must be prepared.

There are differences between the skills that large workplaces and smaller ones will require, says Diego Olcese, but both will demand them. Medium-sized companies upwards will continue to hire people who know how to manage their social networks, but who develop and maintain a face-to-face brand. “That is key, also everything that has to do with how to digitize businesses, for this they will ask for e-commerce skills.”

And to sell online it takes a whole series of soft skills to connect with the public, he adds. These are other fields for which you need to develop skills if you want to improve your job or get one, according to Crehana:

  • Artificial intelligence applied to business
  • Design
  • Animation
  • Marketing digital
  • Projects management
  • Software development

The benefits for companies is increased productivityBut for people there is an improvement in income in three ways, Diego Olcese explains: because they get additional projects, get promotions at their job or get a formal job.

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