The (sustainable) challenge for Andalusian companies: the future is already here

The future is today. The planet cannot wait and neither can the citizens. In the same way that the company neither can nor wants to wait aware of its responsibility and that it is part of the formula for a sustainable future. This new awareness is the result of a strategic reflection of the business fabric.

Today a new social contract marks the step for us; a new link between the company and the public. Ties between brands and consumers or clients, based on trust. Fortunately, citizens are beginning to recognize our commitment to people and the environment.

Therefore, the Spanish company of the 21st century, that of a prosperous and innovative land, must be very aware of the new social and economic paradigm in which its activity takes place.

Javier González de Lara, president of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia (CEA)

Javier González de Lara, president of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia (CEA)

We operate today with the constant evaluation of the public; of stakeholders. It is the economy of stakeholders, closely linked to the economics of intangibles and the management of business reputation.

All this leads to an idea: the generation of wealth and employment, the development of economic activity in any sector, at any price, is no longer conceived – we do not conceive.

a business project will be respectful with people, with his dignity; with the environmental environment and the development of the municipalities, or it will not be. Balance and sustainability are the new business driver. The condition sine qua non for the economy. It is inexcusable. Indispensable.

How do the Andalusian employers watch over this sustainability? How do we capitalize on this new business creed in the Andalusian business fabric? In this sense, we have a clear guide that shows us the way: United Nations and the 2030 Agenda.

Our reference is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Such is the mirror in which we look at ourselves for each initiative. For this reason, I celebrate with deep satisfaction the premiere of this section of EL ESPAÑOL with the SDGs as protagonists, as it is called to be a space for reference for the reflection of businessmen and readers in general.

With all humility I share our pride in leading from the Andalusian Businessmen Confederation (THE) the implementation of the SDGs in the region with our Business Observatory for the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda (OECA).

Innovation is essential to add value in the process of creating our product or service

At OECA we are not alone. As the 2030 Agenda itself marks, partnerships are key in building a sustainable future. In this case, our ally is Unicaja Banco. Together we have created this think tank to analyze how each productive sector can align with the SDGs.

Is sustainability a new mantra? Is it an invocation or is it leveraged with facts? Without a doubt, the second. How do Andalusian companies try to be sustainable in our day to day?

Sustainability is not a watertight compartment, but a global dimension. It is transversal in organizations and it must set the pace of all departments, in the same way that it is already setting the regulator: the States and the laws.

I underline this because circular economy is a priority and for the European Union and for all national and regional administrations. At least, in their declarations of intent and in their postulates.

Therefore, it cannot be a less priority for companies as a tool for the economic and social development of the territories. We must keep pace and go hand in hand with the Administration, with the legislator.

New learnings

It is a time of new learning. Green Deal, EU Energy and Climate framework directives to 2030, draft law on climate change and energy transition, Ecological Public Procurement Plan and waste regulations … All of them are new duties. New required reading and study for companies.

From CEA, and with a view to the Draft Law of Circular Economy of Andalusia, and for the transition towards a new energy model in our community in particular, a intersectoral working group to contribute to this rule and establish common positions of the Andalusian business fabric.

The covid-19 crisis entails, apart from the social and economic devastation suffered, an opportunity to rethink ourselves

We know, as the Andalusia Ecobarometer, instrument of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development, that the 82% of Andalusians declare a high concern for the environment and, specifically, for the effective management of waste.

And that gives us clear data -meridian- about what Andalusians expect from companies and what brand commitments they trust to choose them or not.

Innovation, as we know, is essential to add value in the process of creating our product or service. Is that plus differential that should fit with consumer concerns or priorities.

We want to innovate in a responsible way, optimizing resources and leaving as friendly and constructive a footprint as possible in the surroundings. Now, how does the Public Administration -and the rulers- help the entrepreneurs in this endeavor?

Let’s also put on the table the cost of sustainability. The added expense that, for a long-term gain, – not only economic gain, but also in social responsibility – requires sustainability. Aligning with the circular economy, with a green future, requires investment.

And since the sustainability promoted by the United Nations is a transversal factor in all spheres of life, I would like these last lines to be for equality between men and women, understood as balance in homes and businesses.

Aligning with the circular economy, with a green future, requires investment

Equality is synonymous with health and well-being in families. SDG 5 (gender equality) is another pillar of action for CEA. In our Equality Council we have the recent adhesion to the Andalusian Network of Conciliatory Entities (RAEC) of the Andalusian Institute for Women. We keep moving forward.

The COVID-19 crisis entails, apart from the social and economic devastation suffered, an opportunity to rethink ourselves. The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced a year ago her desire for a new Bauhaus, with which to be reborn after the pandemic: a More sustainable Europe. For this we have the will and I trust that it will show us the way.

*** Javier González de Lara is president of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia (CEA).

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